Usually, when you approach a bird perched on a fence, they instinctually fly away, which is why one Idaho man was surprised when he approached a small sparrow perched on a fence and it didn’t even move.
However, as he moved closer, the man realized it wasn’t because the bird was unusually trusting, but because its tiny feet were frozen to the metal fence, which made it physically impossible to fly away no matter how hard it tried.
The man suspected the bird had stopped for a drink from the heated water tank and then went to sit on the fence. Normally that would be fine, but in the below-freezing weather, the bird’s wet feet instantly fused with the pipe. “It is not uncommon for birds to drink from the heated tank,” the man said. “Apparently this unfortunate bird had gotten its feet wet and, while making its exit, had become frozen to the fence in the prevailing near zero Idaho temperatures.”
“First, I attempted to warm the feet of the frightened bird by pressing my palm against both the fence and the bird’s feet, while also gently restraining the bird’s flapping wings,” the good samaritan said. “It then seemed that warming the bird’s feet with my warm breath would bring quicker success. Gentle sideways motion with my thumb brought freedom for the frightened bird and a smile of satisfaction to my face… a delightful way to start a new year.”
Watch the entire video below to see the amazing moment this man saved a poor bird frozen to a pipe.
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[Featured image: Newsflare/NMWilson]
Idaho Man Rescues A Sparrow Who Was Frozen To A Metal Pipe is an article from: LifeDaily