Dogs will chew on anything they can get their paws on, which is why it’s so important that owners are extremely careful with what they leave around the house.
Last week, a 10-month-old Samoyed puppy named Mischa found a plastic bottle full of antifreeze while her humans were out and started chewing at the plastic thinking it was the perfect chew toy. She quickly broke through the thin plastic and started drinking the liquid that spilled out.
Thankfully, owner Carole Wigglesworth came home shortly after and immediately called the vet when she realized what her puppy was chewing on. “We came home from a day out and found her chewing a bottle of antifreeze in the hallway,” she said. “It was just terrifying, but the outcome could have been a lot worse. We called the vet, and they told us to bring her immediately. We were all distraught at the thought of losing her.”
Carole rushed Mischa to Vets4Pets, and when she arrived, they immediately put her on a drip of vodka to flush her system. “Mischa was very lucky her owners realized what she had done as soon as they saw her with the bottle,” vet Jenny Millington said. “Antifreeze contains ethylene glycol which is toxic for animals and if not treated within a few hours can cause complete kidney failure.”
“It’s one of the most dangerous poisons that we deal with. With the treatment, first, we try to make the animal sick to get rid of any toxin. She also had fluids to flush out her kidneys and we treated her with vodka in a drip because the ethanol in it stops the ethylene glycol doing any further damage. She probably had 100ml of vodka administered very carefully but it’s not something I would suggest people do at home.”
“We were surprised to hear how she’d be treated but all we were concerned about was that she was going to be OK,” Carole said. “She spent five days on a vodka drip and another with saline in to keep her hydrated, and we were allowed to go to see her. She was stumbling around all over the place with all the alcohol but we knew she was in safe hands and that was part of her getting better.”
After a week at the vet, Mischa was allowed to go home, and now her owners are sharing their story to warn other animal owners to be more careful about leaving potentially dangerous items around the house. “Now we are so vigilant and don’t leave anything around that she could chew other than her toys. We are so thankful to have her with us.”
Did you know vodka could help save a dog’s life if they’ve ingested antifreeze? Let us know in the comments below and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.
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Vet Gives Dog Vodka To Save Her After She Drank Antifreeze is an article from: LifeDaily