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Mom Gives Birth To Rare Twins Born Two Weeks Apart


When one mom pregnant with twins started going into labor prematurely, she was scared that her babies weren’t strong enough to be born yet.  Although, she was also thrilled that she would get to meet both of her babies that day.

“It was the most terrifying experience of my life. It was raining that morning and I wasn’t sure I would even make it to the hospital,” said LaTroya Woolridge, who had to drive herself to the hospital while in labor since her husband was out of town.

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By the time LaTroya arrived, she was in active labor and gave birth to baby Amara minutes later. “Initially, we were told that Amara’s heart tone could not be detected, so when I finally delivered her and saw her feet moving I was filled with joy that she was alive but afraid of what would happen next,” LaTroya said about her 1-pound, 3-ounce baby.

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Since LaTroya was only in her 24th week of pregnancy, doctors worked to keep Amara’s twin, Arthur III, in the womb for another two weeks. “We both cried several times, yet we also felt a calmness over us because we knew that Amara had the power to continue fighting,” LaTroya said of the intense two weeks she and husband Arthur were forced to endure. “It also gave me the strength to continue resting so Arthur III would have a better chance at survival.”

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Two weeks after Amara was born, baby Arthur III was delivered via cesarean section and weighed just 2 pounds, 2 ounces. “We know that the prayers our family and friends prayed along with us have been answered,” LaTroya said. Today, Amara and Arthur are still in the NICU but are getting better each day. “We are happier than we have ever been and excited about our parenthood journey. We are amazed at the miracle we have watched before our eyes.

Did you know it was possible or twins to be born weeks apart? Let us know what you think in the comments below and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.

[Featured image: People]

Mom Gives Birth To Rare Twins Born Two Weeks Apart is an article from: LifeDaily

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