For one nine-year-old little boy with special needs, change of any kind is terrifying. So when he was assigned to a new therapist, he understandably had a huge meltdown.
“He does not do well with change,” mom Jessica Baler said about her son Kyson, who doesn’t talk and has undiagnosed special needs despite undergoing endless testing to pinpoint a specific diagnosis. “He struggles with any kind of transition.” So shortly after Kyson was dropped off at Journey’s, a Developmental Disability Agency, and met his new case worker he bolted out the front door and had a meltdown in the parking lot.
Rigby Police Officer Chris Scott had been across the street in his cruiser, and pulled over when he witnessed the meltdown. “He looked like he kind of had a bad day, so I pulled over and I sat down,” Scott said. “I just sat there for a few minutes and let him do his thing. He pointed at my patch and I happened to have a challenge coin on me that had the patch on the opposite side and then badge on the other side. I gave him that and said are you ready to go back inside? He had a smile on his face and he was good to go.”
Kyson’s new case worker snapped a quick photo of the touching moment and sent it to Kyson’s mother, who then posted it online to thank Scott. “It’s priceless,” Jessica said. “That picture says a thousand words. He took the time to make sure that he was okay, to comfort him. It just shows the compassion he truly had instead of just of moving on past it.”
The photo has since gone viral and Scott has been praised for going above and beyond to help a special needs child, but he doesn’t think he did anything special. “He’s absolutely in shock that the photo has gone as far as it has,” Jessica said. “It touched his heart. It meant a lot to him that he was able to help. He was glad that he could represent that police officers are good guys.”
What would you do if you saw a child having a meltdown? Let us know what you think in the comments below and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.
[Featured image: Facebook/Jessica Beins Baler]
Cop Comforts Boy With Special Needs During Meltdown is an article from: LifeDaily