After one Michigan boy had surgery on his feet and ankles to fix his clubbed feet, he was devastated that he wouldn’t be able to run around with his friends and go trick-or-treating on Halloween.
“I think there was a little bit of nervousness,” neighbor Jamie Peterson said about 7-year-old Karl Warm. “His mom was wondering how Halloween was going to work with Karl in a wheelchair and they have a younger son who was going to be running around trick-or-treating.”
Peterson’s son, Ty, is best friends with Karl, so they decided to figure out a way to help. “It’s a wonderful friendship,” Peterson said. “He and Karl have just been very close. They love playing together, spending time together.” To save Halloween, Peterson and Ty decided to build Karl a wheelchair-friendly military tank costume.
“The idea from his mother was originally building something over his push wheelchair, but Ty and I decided that just wasn’t going to work,” he said. “We needed to do something more impressive – something he can drive, so that’s where the power chair came from.”
After a few long days of work, Peterson and Ty presented Karl with the incredible costume. “I love my son Ty amazingly, but that kid cannot keep a secret for his life. He kept filtering little bits [of information] to either Karl or his mom,” Peterson said. Even though it wasn’t a surprise, Karl and his family were amazed by how well it turned out. “He was so excited when we rolled up to his house with it.”
Watch the entire video below to see this incredible costume up close.
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[Featured image: Jamie Peterson]
Man Builds Special Halloween Costume For Son’s Friend In A Wheelchair is an article from: LifeDaily