In our lifetime we are inundated with messages that tell us how we should look, how we should act, and what we should like. Today, we are exposed to about 5,000 advertisements a day, so it’s no surprise that people around the world feel pressure to be perfect. According to research done by the Centre for Appearance Research, a research center based at the University of the West of England in Bristol, as much as 60 percent of adults report being ashamed of their bodies, and 70 percent of women report that they have felt pressure from television and magazines to have a ‘perfect’ body.
In order to raise awareness for eating disorders, self-esteem issues, and remind people to be more self-accepting, Jae West decided to stand on a street corner in nothing but her underwear and let people draw hearts on her skin.
“Just the thought of looking down at my body and seeing it covered in love hearts from other people brought tears to my eyes. It was a reality check of how harsh we can be on ourselves, we really can be our own worst critics. The unrealistic expectations we place on ourselves can cause us to reject the love that others openly give because of a feeling of unworthiness. I knew this was a global concept that many people could relate to, so putting myself in that situation really was a stand for everyone out there that has been confronted with self-doubt in relation to the way they look,” West said.
Jae West stands in the streets of Piccadilly Circus, and begins to undress.

Onlookers are confused and curious, as West stands in nothing but her underwear on the street corner.

As she stood blindfolded, West was completely vulnerable and was afraid that she would offend the people around her.

“I’m standing for anyone who has struggled with an eating disorder or self-esteem issue like me… To support self-acceptance draw a ‘♥’ on my body.”

“All of a sudden I felt one of the pens in my left hand slip out of my grasp. The feeling of the felt pen was on my skin was one of the most overwhelming feelings of relief, gratitude and love that I’ve ever felt. I just burst into tears. I don’t know who that first person was but I am so thankful for their contribution,” West explained.

Even the police were supportive of West’s cause, and hugged her after the experiment.

Take a look at the entire video, and see the public’s reaction to West’s bravery below.
Are you in awe of West’s bravery? Share this video with someone who could use some self-love and share your thoughts in the comments below.
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