Anyone who lives far from home knows it can be challenging to travel home often, especially when kids are involved.
When Alex, who moved to New Zealand to live with his wife Paula, had twin daughters, finding the time to do anything, never mind fly halfway around the world to St. Louis, MO, became a struggle.
Finally, however, when the girls were six months old, Alex and Paula decided it was time to take the 17-hour trip to let Alex’s mom and first-time grandmother meet her twin granddaughters.
Alex and Paula stood eagerly at the front door waiting to surprise Alex’s mom, who thought her long-distance family would be arriving days later, with their twin daughters.
Grandma instantly teared up at the site of her precious granddaughters and couldn’t stop showering them with kisses and hugs in between her happy sobs. Not only was the emotional meeting long overdue, but the babies were the first girls born in the family for 54 years.
Watch the entire video below to see the heartwarming moment this grandma finally gets to meet her granddaughters for the first time.
How would you react to meeting your grandchildren for the very first time? Let us know in the comments below, and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.
[Featured image credit: Youtube/goldpanpetedesign]