It seems like moms always know when something’s wrong and know just how to make it all better, but one mom’s stunning picture proves that mothers are biologically programmed to know when something’s wrong and fix it.
When Arkansas mom Mallory Smother started breast pumping as she normally early in the morning, she immediately noticed the color and texture of her milk was completely different than it had been just the previous day. Yet when she remembered that her baby was fighting a cold, it all started to make sense.
“This is just cuckoo awesome– I read an article from a medical journal not too long ago about how Mom’s milk changes to tailor baby’s needs in more ways than just caloric intake,” Smothers wrote in a post to her Facebook. “Mom’s body will actually change the milk’s immunological composition, tailoring it to the baby’s particular pathogens by producing customized antibodies”
Mallory had recently read a study from 2013 that explained how the infection-fighting cells skyrocket in breast milk when nursing a sick baby.
“When a baby nurses, it creates a vacuum in which the infant’s saliva sneaks into the mother’s nipple,” Smother’s wrote. “There, it is believed that mammary gland receptors interpret the “baby spit backwash” for bacteria and viruses and, if they detect something amiss, mom’s body will actually change the milk’s immunological composition, tailoring it to the baby’s particular pathogens by producing customized antibodies.”
After nursing her sick baby every two hours overnight, she was stunned to see how different her breast milk was, and how much it resembled colostrum, which is “super milk full of antibodies and leukocytes you make during the first few days after birth.”
Read Mallory’s entire post on Facebook below:
Can you believe the female body is capable of knowing and adapting to the needs of a baby without mom ever having to do a thing? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this incredible story with an amazing mom on Facebook.
[Featured image credit: Facebook/Mallory Smothers]
Nursing Mom Is Stunned When Her Breast Milk Suddenly Changed To Help Her Sick Baby is an article from: LifeDaily