While foxes are known for being cunning and sly, this 4-year-old Artic fox named Archer is proving that even these small creatures have a sense of humor, and enjoy having a laugh when they’re not up to no good.
Most people have never had the chance to hear a fox laugh, nevermind pet one, yet it’s a daily reality for 25-year-old Kristina Shafer, who adopted Archer when he was a cub from a breeder in Indiana. “Arctic foxes are definitely not for everyone since they’re not the easiest pet to have, but I did a lot of research and decided they were for me,” Kristina said. “They take a lot of dedication in terms of training.”
Archer requires constant supervision and is full of energy, but will crack up whenever he hears laughter, especially at the end of a long day when he’s sleepy, which is when Kristina and her boyfriend managed to get Archer to hysterical laugh and captured it on video.

“He’s a very vocal, very loving, very happy fox,” Kristina said. “He also does some happy ‘screams’ and he honestly sounds like a monkey sometimes. He also does a howl whenever he’s out in the yard and wants attention or wants to come inside.”

Watch the entire video below to hear Archer’s hysterical reaction to his owner’s laughter.
Have you ever heard an arctic fox laugh before? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this precious moment with friends on Facebook.
[Featured image credit: Instagram/krizzles ]
Archer The Adorable Pet Fox Hysterically Laughs Every Time He Hears Laughter is an article from: LifeDaily