For many mothers, giving birth is an exciting yet terrifying ordeal, so being able to choose the form of delivery can help provide a sense of control when so many other things are entirely outside of their control.
So when Sarah Saunders, from Devon, UK, was told she would have to deliver her baby through a caesarean section instead of the natural birth she had been planning for, she was devastated but settled on the next best thing: a ‘natural c-section‘.
“If you are unable to give birth ‘naturally’ than having a natural caesarean is the next best thing!” Saunders wrote in the caption that accompanied her delivery video.
Traditional c-sections involve doctors quickly and often forcefully pulling the baby out of the womb, whereas natural c-sections allow the infant to crawl out of the womb mostly on its own.
“The baby remains in the abdomen for up to four minutes and the mother can look at it, see its little face and when it wriggles out it is the parents that first determine the sex,” Jenny Smith, a senior midwife at the Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, said.
‘It is about the mother. After the incision is made the mother is able to see her little baby wriggle out. It is a special moment that is missed otherwise,” Smith said.
Watch the entire video below to see the unusual way this mom insists on giving birth.
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[Featured image credit: Youtube/Sarah Saunders]
Mom Lets Baby Deliver Itself So She Can Have A ‘Natural’ C-Section is an article from: LifeDaily