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Mom Is Outraged After 5-Year-Old Gets Suspended For Bringing A Toy To Class


Photo by Fox News

Because of tragedies involving guns that have plagued schools across the country, many districts have been forced to ban all weapons, even harmless toy versions, from school property in an effort to keep everyone safe and avoid false alarms.

Emma, a Colorado mother, was always glad there were rules like this put in place to protect her 5-year-old daughter in kindergarten, which is why she was shocked when the school called her to inform her that her daughter was being suspended for bringing a gun to school.

Emma couldn’t figure out where her daughter could have gotten her hands on a gun, but when she picked her up from school, she saw that the ‘gun’ they were talking about was really a princess themed bubble maker.

Photo by Twitter/@jaclynreporting
Photo by Twitter/@jaclynreporting

“If they had contacted me and said can you make sure this doesn’t happen again, we just want you to be aware, I think that would have been a more appropriate way to handle the situation. Could we have a warning? It blows bubbles,” Emma said.

Despite clearly not being a threat to anyone, the school is sticking to their zero-tolerance policy. “While we hear and understand the parents of this student being concerned about this discipline in light of the student’s age and type of item, this suspension is consistent with our district policy,” school spokesman Kevin Denke said.

Photo by Fox News
Photo by Fox News

“I don’t want her to miss out on class. That’s a silly reason not to go to school. What bugs me is this is going to be something they can refer to if we have any issues in the future which I don’t foresee, but it’s always going to be lingering there in her school file,” the frustrated mom said.

Do you think the school was right to suspend this little girl? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.

[Featured image credit: Fox News]

Mom Is Outraged After 5-Year-Old Gets Suspended For Bringing A Toy To Class is an article from: LifeDaily

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