Any parent with multiple kids knows how vital multitasking is, and how sometimes, cutting corners is the only way to get everything done, which is why one mom was shocked when she received backlash after they found out how she sometimes puts her kids to bed.
Former Australian actress Madeleine West used to spend her days on a TV set, but now she’s a mother of six kids all under the age of eight, and spends her days preparing meals, wiping tears, taking care of to-do lists. Even with her 5 AM wake up time, however, West still struggles to get everything done in the day and admitted to cutting corners when necessary.
Some nights, West admitted on a social media page to putting her kids to sleep in their clothes for the next day to save precious time in the morning yet people were quick to criticize her parenting.

“Social media forums for me are sort of like the village that we had in the olden days,” West, who just published a parenting book, explained. It takes a village to bring up a child. People go there for support and advice. And if we’re tearing each other down on social media, then people who really do need help and a shoulder to cry on aren’t going to reach out for fear of being judged.”

Watch the entire video below to see what else mom has to say to her critics.
Do you think putting kids to bed in tomorrow’s clothes is so bad? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.
[Featured Image: Dads guide to twins]
Mom Defends Herself After Admitting To Putting Kids To Bed In Next Day’s Clothes is an article from: LifeDaily