Even though every other person in your life teases you for your affliction, being an arachnophobe makes even the most simple things like walking in a room difficult.
They also think that your very real fear is you being dramatic, and will even suggest you simply decide to not let it scare you. If that was possible, don’t you think we would have done that years ago? Trust us, we don’t like that we’re so afraid of these creatures because if you’re an arachnophobe, the struggle is real.
Take a look at the top ten biggest struggles of being an arachnophobe:
10. Having to completely strip the sheets when you find one in bed.
9. When you need to stair at a spider to make sure it doesn’t get away despite being terrified at the mere sight of one.
The only thing worse than looking at a spider, is having it disappear before you can get someone to get rid of it.
8. You can never comfortably sit on grass.
7. When you wake up with a spider directly above you
6. Browsing the Internet and mistakenly opening a picture or video of the vile creature.
And then having to build up the courage to close the tab.
5. You will never trust a person who had a pet tarantula (or any other kind of spider, for that matter).
4. Almost getting into a car accident because there was a spider in the car.
3. When you have to karate chop the air at night to break stray spider webs.
2. When you obsessively check the walls, ceiling, floor, and corners for spiders in any room you step into.
1. Being teased by people who just don’t understand that the struggle is real.
Can you relate to any of these problems? Share with us in the comments below.
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