When it comes time to give birth, many expecting moms are understandably nervous, but it’s practically routine for doctors who spend their entire day deliver babies.
When one Spanish mom went into labor this past Saturday, her doctor was reassuring her that everything was going to go great as he started delivering her twin babies. As the doctor promised, baby number one came out without any problems, however, doctors and nurses couldn’t help but notice something very strange when the second baby started being delivered
Normally, the amniotic sac bursts during the difficult process of birth or gets pierced with a scalpel during a c-section. Yet, when mom’s second baby made its way into the world, it was born inside a perfectly intact amniotic sac.
Doctors and nurses quickly gathered around to see the rare birth, which only happens every one out of 80,000 births.
One of the nurses, Giselinha Correa, quickly began filming the incredible moment, and once the baby was born, doctors placed it on a hospital table and watched in amazement as it squirmed around inside the sac full of fluid and the umbilical cord.
The doctors then pierced a small hole in the sac with surgical scissors, which prompted the baby to spill out of the sac so mom could meet her second healthy baby.
Watch the entire video below to see the incredibly rare moment this baby was born inside the amniotic sac.
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[Featured image: Facebook/Gih Flor de Lis]
Rare Moment Baby Born Inside Amniotic Sac Is Caught On Camera is an article from: LifeDaily