When Cassidy and Chad Lexcen gave birth to twins Teegan and Riley, they were overjoyed until doctors told them that Teegan had been born with an unheard of birth defect. While still alive, she was born with only one lung and half a heart.
Doctors couldn’t think of a solution to fix the situation, and told the new parents to take their daughter home, make her as comfortable as possible, and prepare for her death, as Teegan wouldn’t be able to survive with the defects. However, once she survived two months, Cassidy and Chad wondered if there really was something doctors could do to save their baby.
After some research, the couple contacted Dr. Redmond Burke, the chief of cardiovascular surgery at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital in Miami who is known for his innovative surgical skills. Dr. Burke decided to help, but knew this case would require a unique solution.
Dr. Burke decided the best place to start was to get a 3-D visual of Teegan’s heart, and used Google Cardboard, which allows you to see 3-D virtual reality with an iPhone and cardboard goggles that cost less than $20. This unique view of her heart allowed Dr. Burke to know exactly what to expect and come up with a tailored surgery just for the infant.
“Once we saw these images, we said ‘wait a second, we can figure this out.’,” Dr. Burke said.
“It was mind-blowing,” Cassidy said. “To see this little cardboard box and a phone, and to think this is what saved our daughter’s life.”
Watch the entire video below to see the genius way Dr. Burke saved this newborn’s life.
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[Featured image credit: CNN]