Depending on your age, you may still be impervious to crippling hangovers, but no one is impervious to calories.
Next time you decide to have a night out on the town with your friends, just remember that you’re actually consuming a ridiculous amount of extra calories.
Whether you’re starting your freshman year at college, or you’re well into your 30’s, beer bellies look good on no one. (Yup, I’m calling out the whole dad-bod craze.) Take a look at these images that compare the calories in alcoholic drinks to your favorite foods for a healthy dose of reality.
8 cans of Bud Light
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= 3 Cheeseburgers
Photo by Life Daily
5 shots of Captain Morgan
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= 1.5 slices of pepperoni pizza
Photo by LIfe Daily
6 pack of Fall Woodchuck Cider
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= 5.3 chocolate covered doughnuts
Photo by Life Daily
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= 3.5 vanilla ice cream cones
Photo by Life Daily
1 bottle of red wine
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= 3.5 chocolate chip cookies
Photo by Life Daily
4 vodka cranberries
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= 18 California rolls
Photo by Life Daily
1 bottle of champagne
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= at least 6 slices of whole wheat bread
Photo by Life Daily
4 Piña Coladas
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= at least 6 bars of Hershey’s milk chocolate
Photo by Life Daily
So will you be choosing to drink up or chow down? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
No matter how germ-conscious, or how healthy you are, traveling on an airplane will be a formidable challenge to any immune system. Whenever you cram a bunch of strangers into close quarters with recycled air for a few hours, germs are guaranteed to multiply.
Take a look at the top 6 dirtiest places on a plane and bring along some disinfectant wipes to avoid them as best as possible. After finding out the top offender, you’re definitely going to want to bring some with you.
6. Bathroom Door Locks
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5. Seatbelt Buckle
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4. Toilet Flush Button
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3. Overhead Air Vents
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2. Drinking Fountain Buttons (Airport)
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1. Tray Table
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Did you think the dirtiest place on an airplane is the place you eat, drink, and sometimes attempt to sleep on? Share with us in the comments below!
When zoo keepers at the Metro Richmond Zoo determined that Kumbali’s mother was not providing enough milk for her three cubs, he started being hand raised by the zoo’s staff. As he grew older, his motor skills improved and he needed a companion to explore and play with.
The zoo’s team decided to bring Kago, a Labrador Retriever mix who was adopted from a pet rescue organization, to be Kumbali’s companion.
The two got off to a rocky start, as Kumbali was uncertain about his new four-legged companion. After a short period of inspection, Kumbali and Kago quickly became very close friends.
Photo by Metro Richmond Zoo
The two seem like an unlikely pair, but in captivity, dogs have been used as cheetah companions for over 30 years. Dogs provide a calming influence on cheetahs, who are less confident and fearful of new surroundings.
Photo by Metro Richmond Zoo
Kumbali and Kago have developed such a close bond that they act like brothers, and wherever one goes, the other is not far behind.
Photo by Metro Richmond Zoo
Watch the entire video below to see the amazing bond between Kumbali and Kago.
Were you surprised by these atypical friends? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
Halloween is quickly approaching, and if you’re anything like me, it gets harder and harder to pick out a costume every year. If you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, finding a suitable costume is twice as hard. We’ve picked out 16 of the best couple costumes so you can spend less time panicking to find a costume, and more time enjoying the festivities.
Take a look at these creative couple costumes for Halloween if you need some inspiration this year.
This baby Brushtail Possum was found abandoned and dehydrated on the side of the road in Mosman, a suburb on Sydney’s North Shore. Staff at Taronga Zoo have been providing round-the-clock care to the orphan, and one nurse, Felicity Evans, even named her Bettina. Since arriving at the zoo, Bettina has been making a quick recovery, and will eventually be released into the wild.
Like any baby, Bettina has formed an attachment to a soft stuffed animal, and nothing- not even dinner time- will get her to let it go.
“At this age she would naturally still be with her mother, so the soft toy gives her something to snuggle for comfort. It’s not as fluffy and woolly as an adult Brushtail Possum, but she clings to it using her claws and teeth as she would do with mum in the wild,” said Felicity Evans.
Photo by Taronga Zoo
Bettina weighed less than three ounces when she was first found. She arrived at Sydney’s Taronga Zoo in September, and has since doubled in size.
Photo by Taronga Zoo
Eventually, the four-month old possum will be released back into the wild. Until then Bettina’s enjoying regular bottle feeds, and cuddling with her toy kangaroo.
Photo by Taronga Zoo
Watch the video below to see this precious baby possum with her new cuddly toy.
Can you believe how attached Bettina is to her stuffed toy? Share with us in the comments below.
We know that sugar isn’t your friend if you’re trying to lose weight, but it turns out the sweet ingredient is harming more than your waistline. The white substance, which is as addictive as cocaine, lurks in almost all of your favorite foods, and has been shown to negatively effect both your body and mind.
Take a look at these shocking reasons why you should start studying your food’s nutrition labels, and rid your diet of sugar.
7. It’s the reason you’re always moody and lethargic.
Eating foods high in simple sugars, like those found in cakes, cookies, ice cream, cereals, and many other foods, put you on a ‘sugar roller coaster.’ These foods rapidly spike blood sugar, and causes insulin to be released, which lowers your body’s blood sugar. When blood sugar get’s low, so does your energy and mood.
In order to give yourself energy and make yourself happier, you reach for sugary foods the body craves, which only feeds into the cycle.
Eating or drinking things that are high in sugar restrict the body’s cells that attack bacteria. This depresses the immune system, and makes you body susceptible to more infections and viruses.
5. Your body stores any extra sugar as fat.
When you consume sugar, insulin is released in the body, which signals the body to store any extra calories as fat. With a diet high in sugar, the body becomes resistant to the insulin over time, and even more has to be released. The high levels of insulin in the body signal the body to store even more of the glucose as fat.
4. Sugar makes you hungry.
You may not be reaching for a candy bar, but you might as well be with how much sugar is hidden in seemingly unsweet foods like yogurt, chips, and bread. When we eat these foods that are high in sugar or are high in refined flours that quickly convert to sugar, the body releases insulin to lower your blood sugar. When blood sugar level then drop, this signals the body that it’s hungry again, and you’ll crave the same foods that will quickly raise blood sugar levels for another quick fix.
3. It makes you look older.
When you consume sugar, your body produces advanced glycation end-products, or AGEs, which damage the elastin and collagen in your skin. These are the very proteins that make the skin look supple, young, and wrinkle-free. If you notice your skin looks like it’s prematurely aging, you might want to try giving up the sweets.
2. It impairs learning and memory.
A study done at UCLA revealed that a diet high in sugar can impair the brain’s ability to learn and retain information.
1. Sugar increases your risk of cancer.
Not only has sugar consumption been linked to an increased risk of ovarian, esophageal, and endometrial cancers, but it is also leads to diabetes and obesity, which have been linked to an increased risk of even more cancers.
Are you shocked by how sugar is really effecting your body? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
Audrey Hepburn was famously quoted saying “Paris is always a good idea,” and we couldn’t agree more. The city of love has a palpable energy that will captivate you and leave you wanting more no matter how many times you visit.
Take a look at the top 15 reasons why you should never turn up an opportunity to go to Paris.
15. In the summer, the sun sets at around 10 p.m.
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14. The bookstores look like this:
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13. The Eiffel Tower.
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12. You can stroll in gardens like this:
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11. Wine.
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10. The cafes are set up for people-watching.
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9. You can find freshly baked croissants and baguettes anywhere.
Photo by Google Maps
Seriously, anywhere.
8. Shopping.
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7. Buildings look like this:
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6. You have a world-famous museum around the corner.
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5. Stores look like this:
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4. Public Transportation looks like this:
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3. Yet you can also explore the city by water.
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2. Bakeries.
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1. It is the city of lovers.
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Have you ever been to Paris? Share your experience with us in the comments below.
We’ve all been warned by our parents about the dangers of playing with a Ouija board, and you most likely ignored those warnings. However, this video may make you think twice.
The shocking video shows a young girl convulsing and screaming as paramedics struggle to restrain her. According to witnesses, the girl, from Lima, Peru, had been playing a mobile app version of the game, which is believed to be able to contact spirits.
18-year-old Patricia Quispe had played a mobile app version of Ouija, and later began convulsing, and foaming from the mouth.
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Medics worked to restrain the girl, and said that she was extremely strong and difficult to control. It took over a half hour for the nurses and doctors to restrain her.
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The local media reported that her personality and voice was completely different, and she was ultimately committed to a psychiatric ward so doctors could figure out what was causing this behavior.
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Watch the entire video below to see the crazy moment this girl was possessed after playing a Ouija board app on a cell phone.
Do you think this girl was actually possessed? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
There’s nothing more exciting than getting to dress up with friends on Halloween, and go door-to-door collecting candy all night. It might be hard work lugging around a 20 lb. pillowcase full of treats, but at the end of the night you know you’ll get to binge on your favorite candies, and fall asleep in a sugar-induced coma.
That is, until you realize that half of your loot isn’t even made of sugar. Here are the top 10 worst things you could ever find in your trick-or-treat bag at the end of Halloween.
The achilles heal of most kids trying to get out of trouble is that they can never keep their story straight. However, this little girl, Sophia seems to be a master fibber- and a creative one at that.
After being caught painting her Barbie doll with blue nail polish, Sophia insists that Barbie told her ‘a hundred times’ to paint her nails.
When Sophie’s dad comes in to talk to her about painting her Barbie with blue nail polish, she immediately explains that Barbie told her to do it.
Photo by Joseph Nagorski
“She said it a hundred times, and I’d be saying no,” Sophia sniveled.
Photo by Joseph Nagorski
No matter how many times her dad questioned what happened, and asked why she thought it would be a good idea, she impressively kept her story straight that Barbie told her to paint her with the nail polish.
Photo by Joseph Nagorski
Watch the entire video below to see the clever way this little girl tries to get out of being in trouble.
Have you ever heard of a more creative excuse for breaking a rule? Share with us in the comments below.
Finding out you’re going to be a parent is an emotional moment for any parent-to-be. Now, imagine what it must be like to find out you’re finally going to be a parent after 17 years of trying.
The couple in the video had all but given up on their dream to be parents after years of trying, and the moment this man finally finds out that he will be a father is truly heartwarming.
This man was getting dinner ready when his wife told him “there’s some stuff in the oven too.”
Photo by Dana GG
At first he was confused what his wife was talking about, but his eyes lit up with excitement the moment he realized what his wife was telling him.
Photo by Dana GG
After unsuccessfully trying to have a baby for 17 years, he couldn’t contain his emotions as he found out they were finally going to be parents.
Photo by Dana GG
Watch the entire video below to see the moving moment this man finds out his wife is pregnant.
Were you touched by this incredible video? Share with us in the comments below.
For most dogs, an afternoon ride in the car is pure tail-wagging ecstasy, however, for this dog, a car ride is a frightening experience.
The only way Tommy the dog can relax is if his owner, Adam Douglas, holds his paw. Watch below to see Tommy’s hysterical reaction when Adam attempts to let go.
On an afternoon drive, Tommy insisted that his hand was held the whole way, and even swiped his owner’s arm from the steering wheel.
Photo by Adam Douglas
Tommy was only happy and relaxed when Adam held his paw tightly.
Photo by Adam Douglas
When Adam tried to let go, this adorable dog clung to his arm.
Photo by Adam Douglas
Watch the entire video below to see what happens when this dog’s owner tries to let go of his paw.
Does your dog act funny in the car? Share with us in the comments below.
The months after welcoming a baby into the world should be some of the happiest in your life, but for many women, it’s the complete opposite.
About 19 percent of new moms suffer from postpartum depression, and celebrities are not exempt. Hayden Panettiere is the most recent member of Hollywood to speak about her struggle with the disorder, and hopes that by sharing her experience, other women will know they’re not alone.
Take a look at these 10 stars who battles postpartum depression, and are using their experience to shed light on the issue.
10. Gwyneth Paltrow
Photo by Getty Images
“I felt like a zombie. I couldn’t access my heart. I couldn’t access my emotions. I couldn’t connect. It was terrible. It was the exact opposite of what had happened when Apple was born. . . . I couldn’t believe it wasn’t the same. I just thought it meant I was a terrible mother and a terrible person.”
9. Kendra Wilkinson
Photo by Getty Images
“After giving birth, I never brushed my hair, my teeth, or took a shower. I looked in the mirror one day and was really depressed. I thought, ‘Look at me!’ I had this glamorous life in LA, and now [in Indianapolis], I didn’t.”
8. Alanis Morissette
Photo by Getty Images
“The degree and intensity of my post-natal depression shocked me. I am predisposed to depression, but what surprised me this time was the physical pain. I hadn’t realized the depths to which you can ache — limbs, back, torso, head, everything hurt — and it went on for 15 months. I felt as if I was covered in tar and everything took 50 times more effort than normal.”
7. Bryce Dallas Howard
Photo by Getty Images
“My house was a mess. I believed I was a terrible dog owner. I was certain I was an awful actress; I dreaded a film I was scheduled to shoot only a few weeks after the birth because I could barely focus enough to read the script. And worst of all, I definitely felt I was a rotten mother—not a bad one, a rotten one. Because the truth was, every time I looked at my son, I wanted to disappear.”
6. Lisa Rinna
Photo by Getty Images
“It’s very, very scary and vulnerable. . . . I made Harry [Hamlin] hide all the sharp knives and take the gun out of the house. . . . Now how horrific is that? I wanted to share it because I think women are so shamed by this and feel so horrible. . . . I found help and got through it.”
5. Amanda Peet
Photo by Getty Images
“And now I want to be honest about it because I think there’s still so much shame when you have mixed feelings about being a mom instead of feeling this sort of ‘bliss.’ I think a lot of people still really struggle with that, but it’s hard to find other people who are willing to talk about it.”
4. Vanessa Lachey
Photo by Getty Images
“I felt lost, unloved, alone and at my wits end. But at that moment . . . I felt like NO ONE understood me. I was in my maternity leggings, un-showered with throw up on my shirt, hives ALL over my body (another lovely post pregnancy perk I got) and a sweet, loving little boy who couldn’t look at me and smile to make it all better. I started crying. I was feeding Camden and crying my eyes out. I felt like I had officially come undone. Where was the organized Vanessa who had it all under control no matter what the obstacle? She was gone, and I thought . . . forever.”
3. Brooke Shields
Photo by Getty Images
“Rowan kept crying, and I began to dread the moment when Chris would bring her to me. Although I didn’t dislike her, I wasn’t sure I wanted her living with us. Every time I have been near a baby, any baby, I have always wanted to hold the child. I didn’t feel like I wanted to get too close to Rowan.”
2. Courteney Cox
Photo by Getty Images
“I went through a really hard time—not right after the baby, but when [Coco] turned 6 months. I couldn’t sleep. My heart was racing. And I got really depressed. I went to the doctor and found out my hormones had been pummeled.”
1. Hayden Panettiere
Photo by Getty Images
“It’s something a lot of women experience. When you’re told about postpartum depression you think it’s ‘I feel negative feelings towards my child, I want to injure or hurt my child’ — I’ve never, ever had those feelings. Some women do. But you don’t realize how broad of a spectrum you can really experience that on. It’s something that needs to be talked about. Women need to know that they’re not alone, and that it does heal.”
Have you been effected by postpartum depression? Share with us in the comments below.
It’s not everyday you get to be a real life super-hero (unless, of course, you’re Chris Hemsworth). However, this clever engineer, Allen Pan, created a working version of Thor’s hammer, and tricks strangers into thinking he has super powers.
In the video, this genius places his home-made Mjolnir (aka Thor’s hammer) around California, and lets strangers attempt to lift it. When they can’t, Allen tells them they must not be worthy of the hammer, and proceeds to ‘magically’ lift the hammer from the ground.
Allen challenged passers to see if they were worthy of Thor’s hammer by trying to pick up his real life Mjolnir. Everyone thought they’d be able to pick up the hammer, but soon realized the task was impossible.
Photo by Sufficiently Advanced
After watching strangers struggle, Allen casually walked over to the hammer, and picked it up with ease.
Photo by Sufficiently Advanced
He was able to accomplish the genius prank by packing a magnet within the Mjolnir that is activated by someone touching the handle. The only way the hammer can be turned off, is by a fingerprint sensor that was set for Allen’s thumbprint.
Photo by Sufficiently Advanced
Watch the entire video below to see the clever way this man was able to prank everyone with his homemade Mjolnir.
Can you believe how incredibly smart this man is? Let us know in the comments below.
Whether you’re a kid or an adult, Halloween is arguably the most fun holiday of the year. Halloween is an excuse to let your imagination run wild, dress up, eat candy all day, and basically unleash your inner eight-year-old.
Take a look at the top 13 festive treats you need to make to celebrate this Halloween the right way.
An adult elephant is a physically formidable animal, but before they’re fully grown, they need plenty of affection and care. Luckily, neither was in short supply for this three-week-old as it adorably cuddled up to a woman humming lullaby.
The video was posted by the Chai Lai Orchid nature reserve in Thailand, and shows a woman humming a peaceful lullaby as an adorable baby elephant falls asleep in her lap. The reserve and eco-tourism destination is working to build a sanctuary for elephants, so they can be free from the horrors of poaching and trekking.
The woman, Allie, has lived with the three-week-old elephant from the day it was born, and the two have formed a very special bond.
Photo by Chai Lai Orchid
As the woman sang, the baby elephant blissfully fell asleep on her lap.
Photo by Chai Lai Orchid
Even though the elephant is just three weeks old, it’s still way too big to fit in the woman’s lap.
Photo by Chai Lai Orchid
Watch the entire video below to see this adorable baby elephant falling asleep in the woman’s lap as she hums a lullaby.
Can you imagine being this close to a baby elephant? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
The first year after graduating from college is full of firsts, and navigating Halloween for the first time in the real world is no different. What was once one of the biggest drinking weeks of the year is now a few hours of drinking and dressing that will make you question your entire life.
For all you recent grads and seniors, this is what your Halloween is about to look like:
In college, anything is an acceptable costume. Yes, even underwear.
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In real life, if you wear anything even half as revealing, everyone judges you.
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In college, Halloween is just an excuse to drink every alcoholic beverage in sight.
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In real life, it’s an excuse to eat all the candy you got for the trick-or-treaters.
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In college, you were part of an awesome group costume.
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After college, you’re lucky if you have that many friends around to be in a group costume.
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In college, all you had to do was walk outside to find a party.
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In real life, you have to buy tickets for a club’s party months in advance.
Doug the Pug has recreated some of Hollywood’s most famous stars including Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and Harry Potter, and this time around, the hysterical Pug has reimagined the ’90s hit show The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
In the video, Doug has replaced Will Smith, and has recreated some of the most iconic scenes from the show’s opening credits.
Will Smith was the original star of the classic TV show Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
Photo by thefpoba
However, in this pug-themed portrayal, Doug the Pug nabbed the starring role.
Photo by Doug the Pug
And instead of the original group of ‘thugs’…
Photo by raqraqxox
TheFresh Pug of Bel-Air starred this tough bunch of Pugs.
Photo by Doug the Pug
Watch the entire video below to see this Pug’s spot-on rendition of the ’90s classic TV show.
What do you think of Doug the Pug’s version of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air? Share with us in the comments below.
If you’ve ever owned a dog, you know that with all the good they bring to your life, they also bring some bad. Whether they like to tear apart the garbage the minute you leave the house or eat your socks from the laundry bin, dogs all have their own unique cheeky behavior that is annoyingly adorable.
Take a look at these 14 dogs whose owners made them own up to their naughty actions.