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Pitbull Puppies Worth Half a Million Dollars?!


Photo by Barcroft TV

In early 2015, this dog made international headlines for being the world’s largest pitbull. He belongs to Marlon and Lisa Grennan who run a canine training school, Dark Dynasty K9’s, in White Mountains, New Hampshire.

Hulk’s legendary mammoth size and impeccable training as a protection dog has made his offspring a hot commodity. His most recent litter of eight puppies was estimated to sell for upwards of $500,000 if they were trained as elite protection dogs.

Meet Hulk, a pitbull who weighs a staggering 175 lbs, and isn’t even fully grown.

Photo by Barcroft TV
Photo by Barcroft TV

“Hulk is a gentle giant and a great father. He will think nothing of laying down and licking his young puppies and is very gentle with them. He is an awesome dad.”

Photo by Barcroft TV
Photo by Barcroft TV

Taking after his father, this puppy already weighs over 15 lbs.

Photo by Barcroft TV
Photo by Barcroft TV

The newest litter of eight was estimated to sell for over half a million dollars should they be trained as elite guard dogs.

Photo by Barcroft TV
Photo by Barcroft TV

To see more of the incredible Hulk and his adorable litter watch the entire video below:

Can you believe these puppies are worth that much? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

[Featured image credit: Barcroft TV]

5 Things You Need to Be Eating Post-Workout to Maximize Your Results


Photo by Mauricio Alejo

If you’ve hit a plateau on the road to getting in shape, it might be time to re-examine your diet.

Many nutritionists believe that in order to see the results, exercise alone isn’t enough. You need to have a diet full of the vitamins and minerals to keep the body functioning properly. To be frank, you can’t out-exercise a bad diet. But in order to maximize your efforts, you should also be fueling your body with certain key nutrients at different times during the day.

To get the best results, be sure to revive your body with plenty of protein and some form of carbohydrate found in the foods above 20-60 minutes after you finish working out to allow the body to recover faster, feel more energized, and be ready to tackle your next workout.

Take a look at the 5 things you should be eating and drinking after a workout to set yourself up for success.

5. Eggs

Eggs are a complete source of protein and even contain branched-chain amino acids that help reduce damage to muscles. And don’t worry about cholesterol in eggs, because eggs contain the good kind of cholesterol called high density lipoprotein, which removes harmful cholesterol from places it shouldn’t be. Be sure to eat the whole egg, not just the egg whites, to get all the vitamin D, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

4. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a great source of complex carbs and help to restore glycogen levels, which are especially low after a workout. Sweet potato, or yam (they’re the same thing), is a great source of vitamin A, B6 and C, and D, a well as Magnesium and potassium.

3. Green Tea

Green tea isn’t just good for warming you up in the winter or waking you up during your mid-day slump. Green tea is full of antioxidants that fight free radicals and metabolizes fat. One ingredient, Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), is also known for fighting chronic inflammatory conditions like cancer and Rheumatoid Arthritis

2. Salmon

Salmon is also a great source of protein, but it also has bioactive peptides, which are small protein molecules that help to reduce inflamation, aid in joint support, and help to regulate insulin.

1. Whey

Whey is an energy-restoring, fat-torching source of protein, and just one scoop of powder contains almost the same amount of protein as a whole chicken breast. Whey also causes insulin levels to spike, which replenishes energy stores. Research has shown that people who supplement with whey protein burn almost two times as much body fat compared to those who don’t.

However protein powders are considered a supplement by the FDA, which means that there’s not much regulation regarding a supplement’s ingredients so be sure to get a high quality sources, or have your doctor recommend a brand.

Are you getting the most out of your workouts? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

[Featured image credit: Mauricio Alejo]

You’ll Never Believe the Crazy Things the TSA Find in Luggage


Photo by pixshark.com

Traveling can be stressful when you’re trying to not miss your flight, and the TSA agent won’t let you through airport security, or they make you throw out your brand new, very expensive, beauty products. However, after seeing some of the crazy things they find in people’s luggage, I can see why they can be so strict.

Take a look at these 10 absurd, dangerous, and just plain dumb things the TSA has found in people’s bags.


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Can you believe how crazy some of the things the TSA actually finds in checked and carry-on bags? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

[Featured image: pixshark.com]

Watch This Rambunctious Dog Try to Escape Bath Time


Photo by  celestialstein via Reddit

Dogs love to get dirty, and stay dirty. The mere mention of a bath can send a dog running for the hills.

This adorable Golden Retriever tries as hard as possible (and ultimately fails) to dig through the bath and escape.

“I will dig my way out of this bath prison!”

Photo by  celestialstein via Reddit
Photo by celestialstein via Reddit

“Just a little more, then I will be free…”

Photo by  celestialstein via Reddit
Photo by celestialstein via Reddit

“OK, a little harder than I thought. What is this thing made of?!”

Photo by  celestialstein via Reddit
Photo by celestialstein via Reddit

“I think I need some help!”

Photo by  celestialstein via Reddit
Photo by celestialstein via Reddit

Watch the video below to see just how hard this Golden Retriever tries to escape bath time.


View post on imgur.com

Did this hysterical dog put a smile on your face? Share with us in the comments.

[Featured image credit: celestialstein via Reddit]

15 Thoughts Everyone Has While Cooking Breakfast


Photo by Quotesomnia via Imgur

For some, cooking breakfast is an enjoyable, calming part of the morning routine. But for those of us who struggle to multitask multiple pans, appliances, and cooking times, making breakfast can be a stress inducing nightmare.


Since multi-compartments pans haven’t saved those of us who are incapable of cooking yet, you’re sure to have these thoughts next time you attempt to make a ‘real’ breakfast.

15. Is 10 minutes enough to make and eat my breakfast? It’s going to have to be.

14. Eggs and toast is a nutritious breakfast right?

13. I wonder how people made toast before the toaster was invented? I bet it took forever.

12. I’ll just go over and check on the eggs for two seconds.

11. What’s that smell? Is something burning?

10. Ugh, I burnt the toast! How could that have happened?! I stepped away for, what, a minute?

9. This is what I get for trying to be fancy and eat something that doesn’t look like dog food.

8. Why can’t they make one pan with separate compartments so I can cook everything at once. I’d never burn anything ever again.

7. I need a personal chef. Then, I’d never have to deal with this mess again.

6. F*ck I broke the yoke.

5. My breakfast is ruined.

4. How do those people on Instagram manage to make such pretty breakfasts?

3. They must have personal chefs.

2. Actually, this isn’t half bad. It may not look good, but it still tastes good!

1. That took 30 minutes?!? Looks like I won’t be making it to work on time…

What do you think about when cooking breakfast? Share with us in the comments below.

[Featured image credit: Quotesomnia via Imgur]


Watch the Awesome Moment Rescued Bears Take First Steps Out of Their Cages


These four bears were neglected, and left in physical and mental distress for years at a closed down roadside zoo. In July, 2015, Peta rescued the bears, and filmed the amazing animals take their first steps to freedom.

While the bears were first hesitant of their new surroundings, they become visibly calmer and happier as they experience life outside filthy, barren cages.

Bruno, Fifi, Marica, and Pocahontas were kept locked in these cages and hadn’t set foot out of them in at least 20 years.

Photo by peta2TV
Photo by peta2TV

The four bears were kept in rusted cages as part of roadside zoo in Pennsylvania with no shade, water for swimming, and no way to hibernate.

Photo by peta2TV
Photo by peta2TV

Before the Big Bear Farm Zoo closed, they had been forced to perform tricks like riding bicycles. The horrible treatment, left the bears in physical and mental distress.

Photo by peta2TV
Photo by peta2TV

Peta rescued the animals and brought them to the Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado.

Photo by peta2TV
Photo by peta2TV

After the cross-country journey, these bears took their first steps out of their cages, and into a new life.

Photo by peta2TV
Photo by peta2TV

Take a look at the entire video to watch the touching moment these bears are given a new life.

Are you glad these bears are getting the help they deserve? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

[Featured image credit: peta2TV]

This Stunning Video Shows How Incredibly Strong the Human Body is


Photo by Trimr

If you’ve ever taken a yoga class, you know that some poses have you wobbling and falling to the ground like Bambi’s first steps. Now, imagine you attempted one of those moves just inches away from a massive cliff face.

Well in this incredible video, this gravity-defying duo do just that (minus the wobbles).

Acroyoga combines the physical practice of yoga and acrobatics.

Photo by Trimr
Photo by Trimr

The primary roles in Acroyoga are ‘flyer’ and ‘base’.

Photo by Trimr
Photo by Trimr

Through strength and flexibility, Brian Mosbaugh and Kesley Ondine are able to hold stunning poses just inches from the edge of a massive cliff face.

Photo by Trimr
Photo by Trimr

Many times, Ondine is held suspended in the air on one or two of Mosbaugh’s limbs.

Photo by Trimr
Photo by Trimr

Take a look at the entire video here and watch how incredible the human body is. But be warned, your palms are guaranteed to get clammy after seeing how high up they are.

Are you amazed by how strong (and brave!) this duo is? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

[Featured image credit: Trimr]

Powerful Video Shows Just How Early We Learn Unhealthy Behaviors


Photo by Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Strong4Life

More than two-thirds of American adults are considered over-weight or obese, and many people who have tried to lose weight know that changing the statistic will take time, as obesity doesn’t happen overnight.

Rather, obesity happens through a lifetime of unhealthy choices, bad habits, and learned behavior. This video follows one man’s journey from overweight child to obese adult, which ultimately lands him in the hospital leaving the doctor to ask “How the hell does that happen?”

The video focuses on Jim, an obese 35-year-old having a heart-attack. His diet and inactive lifestyle has lead to his health issues. But he didn’t get like this overnight…

Photo by Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Strong4Life
Photo by Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Strong4Life

The video shows how Jim learned to be unhealthy.

Photo by Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Strong4Life
Photo by Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Strong4Life

Jim was raised on a diet of fast food and takeout…

Photo by Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Strong4Life
Photo by Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Strong4Life

And learned that food was a reward for good behavior and celebrations.

Photo by Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Strong4Life
Photo by Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Strong4Life

“Good job Jim, you got an A+.”

Photo by Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Strong4Life
Photo by Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Strong4Life

While you may not think babies pick up these bad habits, the video shows that they are learned as soon as kids start eating solid foods.

Photo by Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Strong4Life
Photo by Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Strong4Life

Watch the entire video here to see just how early on we learn our eating habits.

Were you moved by this powerful video? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

[Featured image credit: Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Strong4Life]

5 Life-Changing Reasons You Should Express Gratitude Everyday


Photo by www.huffingtonpost.com

Life is full of disappointments, failures, and challenges. Our days rarely go as we plan, but it’s no reason to make yourself miserable.

Some of us are able to take these set-backs in stride and remember everything to be thankful for, however, most of us get hung up on the negative, and forget to recognize the things worth being thankful for. The good news is that you don’t have to stay that way. Gratitude can be learned and practiced, and the affects will transform your life.

Take a look at the top 5 reasons why you should be expressing gratitude every single day.

Photo by www.virtuesforlife.com
Photo by www.virtuesforlife.com

5. Gratitude strengthens your relationships.

Multiple studies have proven that people who are more thankful are more agreeable, open, and sociable. People are more drawn to happier, more optimistic people, and those qualities also make you more likely to offer others help with their issues.

4. Gratitude improves your wellbeing.

Practicing gratitude is linked to being more positive, which is linked to improved immune systems, and can increase your happiness levels by around 25 percent. Over time, expressing gratitude leads to lower levels of depression, anxiety, and back bounce quicker after a traumatic life experience.

3. Gratitude helps you sleep better.

Gratitude doesn’t just help you when you’re awake, it has also proven to help people fall asleep faster, and get better quality sleep. Researchers found that people who spent about 15 minutes before bed writing down what they’re grateful for were able to fall asleep faster than those who did not, and stayed asleep longer.

2. Gratitude helps you achieve more.

Practicing gratitude can lead to increased determination, energy levels, and enthusiasm over time. These qualities are key to achieving more in the workplace, and can even help you exercise more.

1. Gratitude increases self-esteem.

Expressing gratitude regularly will help you realize just how much you have going for you in life. It’s so easy to get locked into negative thought patterns, but being grateful can help free yourself from focusing on your faults, failures, and disappointments.  Focusing on the positive things in your life will help you feel more accomplished and confident in yourself and your abilities.

How often do you express gratitude for the good things in your life? Share with us in the comments below.

[Featured image credit: www.huffingtonpost.com]

The Top 20 Healthiest Colleges in America


Photo by iStockphoto.com

While most college experiences are full of questionable choices, it seems the students at these top colleges are making one good decision.

According to data collected during the 2014-2015 school year by GrubHub, a takeout ordering site that allows users to order from over 35,000 restaurants in 900 cities, these are the top healthiest schools. The rankings are based on the students’ ordering patterns and health-conscious decisions like choosing a side of greens over fries.


Take a look at the top 20 schools below, and check out the entire lineup here.

20. Florida State University

19. Monmouth University

18. The College of New Jersey

17. University of Florida

16. Northeastern University

15. Clemson University

14. University of Arizona

13. Georgetown University

12. James Madison University

11. Miami University

10. University of California Berkeley

9. American University

8. Fordham University

7. Florida International University

6. University of Notre Dame

5. The City University of New York

4. Southern Illinois University

3. University of California Davis

2. St. John’s University

1. University of Buffalo

Where did your school fall on the list? Share with us in the comments below.

[Featured image credit: iStockphoto.com]

9 Positive Affirmations You Need to Tell Yourself Everyday


Photo by www.loveorabove.com

Affirmations are a powerful tool that can alter your mood, happiness, and help spark the change that you want in your life.

Affirmations are so influential because they force you to verbally affirm your intentions, desires, and hopes in a way that enforces positivity, strengthens your self-confidence, and reassures your aspirations. However, affirmations must be spoken daily to manifest the positive changes you crave.

Take a look at the best 9 affirmations you need to be telling yourself everyday.

9. All that I seek is already within me.

8. Every decision I make is the right one for me.

7. I am enough.

Photo by www.zdjecia.biz.pl
Photo by www.zdjecia.biz.pl

6. I can achieve greatness.

5. Yesterday doesn’t define me.

4. I am worth loving. There is love all around me.

Photo by www.anjalipoweryoga.com
Photo by www.anjalipoweryoga.com

3. I love and accept myself.

2. No one except me can control my happiness.

1. Today is another miracle.

Which of these 9 affirmations will you tell yourself the most? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below

[Featured image credit: www.loveorabove.com]

This Dog Tastes a Lime For the First Time and His Reaction is Hysterical


Photo by Claire Moore

Puppies are notorious for getting into trouble and eating whatever’s in sight, and this rambunctious Boxer puppy is no different.

Watch below as this puppy’s typical playtime in the sand leads him to a bitter discovery.

On a sunny afternoon at the beach, Topper the Boxer puppy came across a lime in the sand.

Photo by Claire Moore
Photo by Claire Moore

Curious as to what this new flavor was, Topper sniffed and licked the lime wedge…

Photo by Claire Moore
Photo by Claire Moore

Yet despite the shocking sour flavor, Topper couldn’t get enough!

Photo by Claire Moore
Photo by Claire Moore

Take a look at the entire video below, to see this dog’s wacky reaction to the taste of lime:

Has your pet ever had a funny reaction to the taste of a new flavor? Share with us in the comments below!

[Featured image credit: ]

Tiny One Week Old Elephant Makes a Splash During Playtime


Photo by ODN

While romping around in mud might be a human mother’s playtime nightmare, elephants use the messy mud to cool them down, and protect their bodies from the sun’s rays.

Even though this was the first time Nandita, the one-week-old Asian elephant calf, got to experience a mud bath, she wasted no time getting down and dirty.

“All of the family really look out for her, and mum Thi in particular is never far away – always there to lend a helping trunk should Nandita need a bit of mud wiping away from her eyes and ears,” Andy Mckenzie, Chester Zoo’s team manager of elephants, said.

This one week old elephant calf named Nandita enjoys a messy mud bath at Chester Zoo.

Photo by ODN
Photo by ODN

The zoo hopes that the recent arrival of Nandita can help raise more awareness of the species which, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), faces a very high risk of extinction.

The newborn was joined by five of her relatives, who spent about a half hour slipping and sliding around in the mud.

Photo by ODN
Photo by ODN

When play time was over, mom wiped Nandita’s eyes and ears clear from caked on mud with her trunk.

Photo by ODN
Photo by ODN

Take a look at the video below to see this cute baby elephant have some fun in the mud:

How cute was this one-week-old’s first time playing in mud? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

[Featured image credit: ODN]

17 Celebs Who Made Shocking Body Transformations for a Role


Photo by www.pinterest.com

Being a Hollywood A-lister looks so glamorous because we only typically see the finished products. However, behind the scenes these actors and actresses commit themselves to transform both physically and mentally to play any character.

Award-winning stars like Matthew McConaughey, Jared Leto, Christian Bale, and Jake Gyllenhaal are among some of Hollywood’s most famous stars that have made shocking – and at times dangerous- transformations to play a part.

Take a look at our list of the most shocking celeb body transformations.

Service Dog Can’t Contain Her Excitement On First Trip to the Beach


Photo by Karen Chiu

Jenny, a Golden Retriever puppy, is training to be a service dog through Warrior Canine Connection. The program trains Golden and Labrador Retrievers and places them with injured veterans. However, these hard-working puppies don’t get placed with a veteran until they turn 2 years old. Until then, dogs like Jenny are placed in homes to be trained and socialized.

Jenny’s temporary family decided to treat the pup with a trip to the beach, and like any Golden Retriever, she had a blast splashing in the waves and digging in the sand.

According to a post on Jenny’s official Facebook page: “I had the best day ever! I want to go to the beach everyday! I can’t believe it took Mama this long to take me for my first time. The most important thing is that it has water — and lots of it! I have a video to show you of all the fun I had in the ocean.”

Take a look at Jenny’s exciting first time at the beach for a guaranteed smile.

Overwhelmed with all the new sensations, Jenny couldn’t decide if she wanted to hold onto the shell or splash around in the water.

Photo by Karen Chiu
Photo by Karen Chiu

Before long Jenny was pouncing, and splashing like a pro.

Photo by Karen Chiu
Photo by Karen Chiu

Jenny couldn’t believe how much easier it was to dig holes in the sand instead of the backyard!

Photo by Karen Chiu
Photo by Karen Chiu

Forget staying clean! Jenny made sure to take all the sand home with her in her fur.

Photo by Karen Chiu
Photo by Karen Chiu

Jenny’s golden locks had perfect beach waves after drying out in the sun.

Photo by Karen Chiu
Photo by Karen Chiu

Watch the entire video below to see Jenny the service dog get more excited about sand and water than you’ve ever been about anything in your entire life.

Did Jenny’s excitement make you smile? Let us know in the comments below.

[Featured image credit: Karen Chiu]

This is the Only Way You Should Be Eating Ice Cream


Photo by zh-tw.kankan.today

Inspired by the made-to-order street treats of Thailand, two brothers Wilson and Richard Tam along with their partner David Chen, decided to open a unique ice cream roll shop called 10Below in New York City.

Each delicious creation is hand-made to order in front of customer’s eyes in under two minutes. The high-tech cold plate reaches extremely cold temperatures that makes the ice cream have smaller ice molecules, which results in a creamier, smoother texture. And because it’s made so fresh, you won’t find any preservatives or stabilizers in the ingredients. As 10Below puts it: “It’s ice cream in its rawest form.”

Take a look at the incredible way this ice cream shop is making ice cream:

The first step involves pouring and freezing the cream, and mixing the ingredients together.

Photo by muntai888
Photo by muntai888

Next, the mixed ingredients are spread across the cooling plate.

Photo by muntai888
Photo by muntai888

Finally, the ice cream is rolled up and placed inside a cup and garnished with toppings.

Photo by muntai888
Photo by muntai888

Take a look at the delicious finished products:

Instagram Photo Instagram Photo Instagram Photo

Watch the whole ice cream making process in the video below:

Do you want to try this unique ice cream? Let us know in the comments below.

[Featured image credit: zh-tw.kankan.today]

17 Hollywood Stars You Had No Idea Had a Twin


Photo by www.eonline.com

We all know that stars like Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen were twins, but you may not have known that A-listers like Gisele, Vin Diesel, and Ashton Kutcher had a twin.

Take a look at these Hollywood stars that are surprisingly part of a set.

Uncoordinated Golden Retriever Totally Fails While Playing Catch


Photo by DailyPicksandFlicks

While Golden Retrievers are named after their retrieving skills, it seems this uncoordinated Golden needed to work on his retrieving.

When the dog’s owner slowly rolls over a baseball, the dog makes a valiant effort to catch the ball, but totally misses. Instead of admit defeat, this dog does the cutest thing to cover up his playtime mishap.

“Is that the best you can do, human? There’s no way I’ll miss if you roll it that slowly!”

Photo by DailyPicksandFlicks
Photo by DailyPicksandFlicks

“What?! How could it slip through my paws?”

Photo by DailyPicksandFlicks
Photo by DailyPicksandFlicks

“Play it cool, play it cool! I didn’t want the ball anyway. I just wanted a stretch.”

Photo by DailyPicksandFlicks
Photo by DailyPicksandFlicks

Take a look at the video below to see how this cute but uncoordinated dog acts like he missed the ball on purpose.

Have you ever pretended a mistake was intentional like this Golden Retriever? Let us know in the comments below!

[Featured image credit: DailyPicksandFlicks]

15 Things You Need to Do to ‘Show Up’ in Your Relationship


Photo by txmblevibes via Tumblr

Just because you’re physically in the same room as your boyfriend or girlfriend, doesn’t mean you’re necessarily showing up. If you aren’t putting enough emotional time an energy into the relationship and treating things more like an item on the to-do list, there’s no way the love will last.

Take a look at the top 15 things you should do if you really want to show up physically and emotionally in the relationship.

15. Let go of the small things.

14. Forget about ‘winning’ and ‘losing’.

The point of an argument should not be to win or lose because either way you end up losing when you focus on who was right or wrong instead of getting back on the same page.

13. Be Honest.

12. But always be kind.

There’s a fine line between being honest and being mean. It’s important to be truthful with your partner, but take care not to hurt their feelings.

11. Write love notes.

No not a text, physically write a letter. It doesn’t have to be a novel, just a few words that they’ll see when they don’t expect it.

Photo by moshlab.com
Photo by moshlab.com

10. Make plans.

If you’re feeling like things are getting a little repetitive, make plans and explore places you both have never been.

9. Get dressed up.

Remember how much time you spent making sure you looked ok on your first date? Try to channel some of that effort again. You don’t have to go overboard, but taking a few more minutes to get out of the yoga pants and into a real outfit will show your partner how much you care about the relationship.

8. Try to be helpful, even if they don’t ask you for help.

7. Don’t hold things in.

Holding things in doesn’t help anyone. You don’t express what’s bothering you, and your boyfriend or girlfriend won’t know something needs to be changed.

6. Surprise your partner.

Surprises don’t have to be grand. Even something small, like picking a wild flower on your way home shows you care.

Photo by www.huffingtonpost.com
Photo by www.huffingtonpost.com

5. Put away the screens.

Yes, I mean all screens. Put away or turn off all TVs, computers, phones, and iPads for the first 20 minutes when you see each other. Use this time to actually connect with each other.

4. Make an effort to stop doing things that annoy your partner.

Does he/she hate it when you leave clothes on the floor, yet you continue to do it even though the hamper is right in front of you? Try to make a conscious effort to cut out annoying behavior, especially when it makes no difference to you.

3. Make your partner a priority.

2. Show up.

If you say you’re going to do something, actually do it. The person you’re in a relationship should be the person you can count the most on, so stop breaking promises and flaking out when you say you’ll do something.

1. When things get tense, don’t overreact.

Instead of accusing your partner of their faults or mistakes, focus on how their actions made you feel. Things that happened in the past can’t be changed, but how you make each other feel can. Approach these situations as calmly as you can so you can move on without causing more harm.

Do you show up in your relationship? Share with us in the comments below.

[Featured image credit: Txmblevibes via Tumblr]

See What Happens When You Put Two Comedians in Gorilla Suits


Photo by Hamish & Andy

A few years ago, the Werribee Open Range Zoo in Melbourne, Australian let two comedians dress up in gorilla suits and try out the unfinished gorilla enclosure as part of a prank for the popular Australian TV show, The Hamish & Andy Show. 

The zoo’s visitors stood amazed through the entire prank as the two funny men tested the waters to see just how far they could go while still having the crowd believe they were actual gorillas.

Meet Werribee Open Range Zoo’s newest addition: Yukini and Ganaka

Photo by Hamish & Andy
Photo by Hamish & Andy

The zoo’s visitors were stunned by the gorillas, and stood taking pictures while the animals groomed, played, and wrestled with one another.

Photo by Hamish & Andy
Photo by Hamish & Andy

However, Yukini and Ganaka aren’t real gorillas. They’re actually two Australian comedians named Hamish Blake and Andy Lee dressed up in gorilla suits.

Photo by Hamish & Andy
Photo by Hamish & Andy

As part of the prank, Hamish and Andy test the crowd to see what they could get the zoo’s visitors to believe. They even go so far as to ride a bike.

Photo by Hamish & Andy
Photo by Hamish & Andy

Which left Doctor Chris trying to come up with feasible explanations for the gorillas’ incredible talents.

Photo by Hamish & Andy
Photo by Hamish & Andy

“So the keeper would have taught him that,” Doctor Chris explained.

Watch the entire video below to see the rest of Hamish and Andy’s hysterical prank.

Do you think you would have fallen for this prank? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

[Featured image credit: Hamish & Andy]

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