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Brothers Are Shocked When Mom Tells Them They’re Going To Have A Baby Sister


Photo by Rumble/AFV

As adults, siblings are not only your family, but your closest friends who you can count on for anything, but as kids, many can’t stand each other, and some even wish their siblings were never born.

Doctors originally told mom and dad that they were expecting their third baby boy, and their young sons were thrilled that they’d soon have another little guy to get into trouble with. However, when mom and dad went back to the doctor for a checkup, the doctor realized he had made a mistake. Instead of having another boy, the expecting parents found out they’d be having their first baby girl.

After celebrating the news, mom decided to sit her kids down at dinner and share the exciting news with her boys, who she assumed wouldn’t even care much.

Photo by Rumble/AFV
Photo by Rumble/AFV

However, as soon as they told them they’d be getting a new baby sister rather than a brother, her two boys had completely different reactions. Her older son was actually excited at the news, but her youngest son in red burst out in tears crying ‘I don’t like baby sisters!’

Photo by Rumble/AFV
Photo by Rumble/AFV

Watch the entire video below to see the hysterical way these two brothers react to mom’s life-changing news.

Can you believe how upset the little boy in the red got? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.

[Featured image credit: Rumble/AFV]

Brothers Are Shocked When Mom Tells Them They’re Going To Have A Baby Sister is an article from: LifeDaily

Dad Realizes How Hard Mom’s Job Is After Taking Care Of The Kids For Just One Day


Photo by Facebook/Brad Kearns

Being a stay-at-home mom might seem like a cakewalk, but any parent who has been left to look after the kids on their own knows how difficult a job it really is.

Brad Kearns never understood why his wife Sarah always joked about wanting to be the ‘dad‘ and getting to leave the house to go to work, but that’s because he never understood that being a stay-at-home mom meant being a skilled negotiator, a chef, a maid, a chauffeur, and a rule enforcer among many other things.

However, when Sarah ended up in the hospital because of liver failure, Brad was forced to leave work and take care of their two-year-old and six-week-old sons.

“It all started yesterday when I had to rush out of work. Because I’m a dad… And dads get respite for 40+ hours per week under the socially acceptable provisor ‘supporting the family’ while mum continues doing what women seem to so effortlessly do,” Brad wrote in a post to Facebook that has since gone viral.

Photo by Jo Searle Photography
Photo by Jo Searle Photography

“‘My liver has failed’ read the text message from Sarah. And that’s when I became the mum. It’s now been 24 hours…” Brad went on to detail the hilarious disaster that was the rest of the night, which included 2-minute noodles for dinner and a trashed living room.

“As the night rolls on and my patience wears thin; I reduce myself to keeping Knox quiet by allowing him to place stickers on my (very hairy) legs,” he wrote. “He was being quiet… ‘It’s okay, I can shave them off in the morning’ was the thought. ‘Just don’t wake Finn.'”

By the next morning, Brad was going delirious after his 6-week-old kept him up all night, but knew he was defeated when he heard a knock on the door from his mother-in-law. “So there I was; Unshaven, hair a mess, wearing the pants and socks from the day before and a hoodie covering up the fact I had no shirt on. Hadn’t showered, not yet brushed my teeth, Knox comes running out in his sleeping bag asking for a new Yoghurt muesli bar to be opened.”

Photo by Facebook/Brad Kearns
Photo by Facebook/Brad Kearns

“I open the door to her to reveal the fact that knox’s noodles were still in a bowl on the table, stickers stuck to the goddamn lounge, the house an absolute mess. It was in that moment I knew I was defeated. It was also in that moment I knew she knew I knew I was defeated. That was only 16 hours of being a mum. And I failed,” Brad wrote.

Despite his struggles, Brad was happy to hear Sarah was loving the updates as she heals in the hospital, and welcomed the hilarious distraction. “So although I can’t be there while I’m here with the boys at least I know it’s helping a bit,” Brad said.

Read this dad’s entire post here to see how the rest of his night went when he became ‘mum’ for the night.

Can you believe the hilarious way this dad realized how difficult being a stay-at-home parent is? Let us know what you think of his post in the comments below, and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.

[Featured image credit: Facebook/Brad Kearns]

Dad Realizes How Hard Mom’s Job Is After Taking Care Of The Kids For Just One Day is an article from: LifeDaily

Loving Son Brings Mom With Terminal Cancer To Prom



Most teenage boys would be mortified if their mother showed up at their senior prom while they were having fun with friends and dancing the night away with their dates, however, mom was the only person one Idaho teen dreamed of having by his side as he went to prom.

After one Twin Falls mom, Kerry Huffaker, was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer this past February, she was given just 20 months to live. Despite the devastating prognosis, Kerry tried her best to focus on the present instead of her uncertain future, but couldn’t help think about how she’d never get to see her son Dylan get married.

“I try not to focus too much on the future,” Kerry said. “I try to live today as best as I can, but [thought], ‘Who’s going to dance with my son when the mom is supposed to dance with the groom at his wedding day?'”

While there was no way 17-year-old Dylan could make his mom better, he figured they could share a special dance together at his prom.”I was taken by surprise, that’s for sure,” Kerry said after her son surprised her while she was getting radiation treatment with a box of donuts that had a message saying ‘will you go to prom with me’ written in icing .

Photo by Dylan Huffaker
Photo by Dylan Huffaker

“My reaction was, ‘You don’t want to go to prom with your old, bald mom. You’ll be embarrassed.’ And he said,’No I won’t. I’ll have the prettiest date there.'”

On prom night, Dylan was stunned when he saw his mom all dressed up in a black gown. “That was the most beautiful I think I’ve ever seen her,” Dylan said. “I thought about it and I can look back after years and years and remember who I went to prom with. I’ll know it was someone I loved who meant something to me.”

Photo by Jeni Boisvert/Brink Studio
Photo by Jeni Boisvert/Brink Studio

“[The D.J.] cleared the dance floor and let us dance the first half, just me and my mom,” Dylan said. “I put her through 17 years of hard times, so it’s worth it to take her to prom. I love that my mom is as caring as she is. No matter what you’re going through, she’s willing to help — no matter what hard times she’s facing.”

Watch the incredible video below to see the touching way this 17-year-old invited his mom to prom.

Can you believe how sweet this son was to invite his sick mom to prom? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.

[Featured Image: TODAY]

Loving Son Brings Mom With Terminal Cancer To Prom is an article from: LifeDaily

Mom Discovers Her Baby Is Being Abused At Daycare After He Comes Home Covered In Bruises


Photo by FOX8

No parent is thrilled with the idea of leaving their child with strangers at a daycare center, but it’s a reality many working parents have to face as they are forced to trust that their children are being cared for by capable and responsible employees.

Ohio mom Ryane Lamb thought she was doing the right thing for her 2-year-old son Amari by leaving him at a Cleveland daycare center so she could go to work until she picked him up one afternoon, and found him covered in welts and bruises. Lamb immediately took Amari to the hospital since the bruising was so bad, and then went to the police.

The police got a hold of the security footage from the daycare, but Lamb was shocked when she finally saw the footage of an employee hitting her son 22 times with a plastic back scratcher, and shoving him to the ground.

Photo by FOX8
Photo by FOX8

“I could not believe…Just looking at that, that this place even had the audacity to do that to my baby for no reason, he didn’t deserve it at all,” Lamb said with tears in her eyes.

Photo by FOX8
Photo by FOX8

All the involved employees including the 49-year-old who committed the abuse and another employee who witnessed the incident but did nothing about it were instantly fired, and warrants have also been filed against them.

Watch the entire video below, to see the confronting security footage that horrified one mom.

Were you shocked by the security footage? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.

[Featured image credit: FOX8]

Mom Discovers Her Baby Is Being Abused At Daycare After He Comes Home Covered In Bruises is an article from: LifeDaily

Mom Offers Breast Milk To Her Friend’s Adopted Baby After Her Own Baby Dies


Photo by Lauren Casper

Breastfeeding is not just a source of nourishment for babies, but it’s also an important way for mom and baby to bond. However, when one mom no longer had a baby to drink her breast milk, she decided to do something not every mother would be strong enough to do.

Sarah Rieke was thrilled when she found out she was pregnant not just because of the addition to her family, but because her best friend Lauren Casper was in the process of adopting a baby girl from Ethiopia, and the two were due to arrive around the same time. When Rieke went in to find out the sex of her baby at 20 weeks, however, doctors discovered there were complications and her little girl wouldn’t survive more than a few hours after birth.

“I prepared my nursery for the homecoming of my daughter and Rieke planned a funeral,” Casper said. “We spent a lot of mornings together crying and talking and even laughing at times. She threw me a baby shower and gave me two blankets out of a packet of four… the other two would be wrapped around her daughter after she was born.”

Photo by Lauren Casper
Photo by Lauren Casper

As Rieke’s due date approached and Casper brought her adopted daughter Arsema home, Rieke couldn’t help but think about what would happen after the birth and approached her friend.“I was wondering if you would like to have my breast milk after Evie is born. I thought maybe you could use it to feed Arsema. I don’t know how long I’ll pump or how much I’ll be able to produce, but I’d love to give it to you if you want it,” Rieke offered.

A month after Arsema was brought home, Rieke went into labor, but her daughter, who she named Evie, only lived for four hours. Rieke was devastated, but a week later she began delivering milk to her friend.

Photo by Lauren Casper
Photo by Lauren Casper

“I wish I could have breastfed my children. Sarah wishes she could have fed her daughter (and so do I… oh so do I). But life doesn’t always make sense. When everything is broken and mixed up, we have to create our own beauty from the pieces.”

Would you be as strong as this mom if you were in this situation? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.

[Featured image credit: Lauren Casper]

Mom Offers Breast Milk To Her Friend’s Adopted Baby After Her Own Baby Dies is an article from: LifeDaily

Mom Finds Dog Relaxing In Her Baby’s Swing


Photo by Rumble/dillon1

Every dog handles new additions to the family differently, and while many dogs become loyal protectors when mom and dad bring home the new baby, others can become jealous when they all of a sudden have to share all the attention.

When this mom brought her days-old baby home from the hospital, her brown Labrador puppy instantly saw how much attention the little baby was getting, and couldn’t help but feel a little jealous of the attention-stealing intruder.

In order to get some of the attention back, this clever Labrador puppy set out on a mission to get mom’s attention, and got so desperate that he crawled into the baby’s swing while mom was busy putting her baby down for a nap.

Photo by Rumble/dillon1
Photo by Rumble/dillon1

And it seems his clever planned worked because mom couldn’t take her eye off her hysterical dog when she turned back around and saw her pup swinging away.

Photo by Rumble/dillon1
Photo by Rumble/dillon1

Watch the entire video below to see the hysterical way mom found her puppy.

What silly thing has your dog done while trying to get some attention? Let us know in the comments below, and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.

[Featured image credit: Rumble/dillon1]

Mom Finds Dog Relaxing In Her Baby’s Swing is an article from: LifeDaily

Mom Defends Herself After Admitting To Putting Kids To Bed In Next Day’s Clothes


Photo by Dads guide to twins

Any parent with multiple kids knows how vital multitasking is, and how sometimes, cutting corners is the only way to get everything done, which is why one mom was shocked when she received backlash after they found out how she sometimes puts her kids to bed.

Former Australian actress Madeleine West used to spend her days on a TV set, but now she’s a mother of six kids all under the age of eight, and spends her days preparing meals, wiping tears, taking care of to-do lists. Even with her 5 AM wake up time, however, West still struggles to get everything done in the day and admitted to cutting corners when necessary.

Some nights, West admitted on a social media page to putting her kids to sleep in their clothes for the next day to save precious time in the morning yet people were quick to criticize her parenting.

Photo by Madeleine West
Photo by Madeleine West

“Social media forums for me are sort of like the village that we had in the olden days,” West, who just published a parenting book, explained. It takes a village to bring up a child. People go there for support and advice. And if we’re tearing each other down on social media, then people who really do need help and a shoulder to cry on aren’t going to reach out for fear of being judged.”

Photo by Madeleine West
Photo by Madeleine West

Watch the entire video below to see what else mom has to say to her critics.

Do you think putting kids to bed in tomorrow’s clothes is so bad? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.

[Featured Image: Dads guide to twins]

Mom Defends Herself After Admitting To Putting Kids To Bed In Next Day’s Clothes is an article from: LifeDaily

6-Year-Old Finds Crystal Meth Inside Kinder Chocolate Egg


Photo by Peter Payne

While parents know their kids need plenty of fruits and vegetables to grow up healthy and strong, they also know a sweet treat every once in a while isn’t going to do any harm, which is what one Northern Ireland dad thought when his son got his hands on a Kinder Surprise egg.

The six-year-old Irish boy had found the wrapped chocolate egg under a bush and was just as excited to eat the chocolate as he was to find out what the surprise toy was waiting inside. The little boy had been playing outside with his older brother when he unwrapped the candy, but instead of a toy, he found a mysterious bag full of white powder.

The two couldn’t figure out what it was, but decided to tell dad about what they found. He instantly went to the police with what his boys had found, and they determined the powder to be methamphetamine.

Photo by PA Wire
Photo by PA Wire

“I don’t want members of the local community to find drugs on their street, however, this incident just reminds us that criminals have no regard whatsoever for the safety of local residents, and I am thankful that this child had the sense to speak to an adult about what he discovered,” Inspector Colin Shaw of the Police Service of Northern Ireland said.

“As a father of a child, I know how enticing Kinder eggs and their contents are to children. In this instance, the children are to be commended for passing the contents to their parents,” DUP councillor Alan Robinson said.

Photo by www.cbp.gov
Photo by www.cbp.gov

Can you believe what these boys found inside a popular candy? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.

[Featured image credit: Peter Payne]

6-Year-Old Finds Crystal Meth Inside Kinder Chocolate Egg is an article from: LifeDaily

Mom Shares Incredible Moment Stranger Helps Her While She Breastfed Her Baby


Photo by Facebook/Briar Lusia Mcqueen

Every breastfeeding mother has heard horror stories about being in shamed in public for trying to feed their babies, which is why one New Zealand mom was nervous when her baby started crying and needed to be fed.

Everything was going smoothly for Briar Lusia McQueen when she went out to breakfast for the first time on her own with her 8-week-old infant, however, she couldn’t help feeling intimidated by other customers and staff when her baby started crying to be fed.

“Today was the first time I went out for breakfast alone with my 8-week-old son, I had just received my breakfast and hot chocolate when Jaxon started crying wanting his booby so of course I fed him,” the new mom wrote in a post to Facebook, which has since gone viral.

Photo by Facebook/Briar Lusia Mcqueen
Photo by Facebook/Briar Lusia Mcqueen

After a few minutes, however, an elderly woman approached her table as she fed her baby. “I was scared, thinking she was gonna tell me to put my boob away,” Mcqueen wrote. “Instead she starts cutting up my breakfast for me and said ‘what a good mama you are, we can’t have your food getting cold can we.’ I honestly could have cried.”

Photo by Facebook/Briar Lusia Mcqueen
Photo by Facebook/Briar Lusia Mcqueen

Can you believe how sweet the elderly woman was to this new mom? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this incredible moment with a parent on Facebook.

[Featured image: Facebook/Briar Lusia Mcqueen]

Mom Shares Incredible Moment Stranger Helps Her While She Breastfed Her Baby is an article from: LifeDaily

Parents Take Their Baby Home One Year After Being Switched At Birth


Photo by WFAA

It’s every expecting parent’s worst nightmare to have their baby switched at the hospital accidentally with someone else’s baby, but thankfully it practically never happens to most parents.

Mercedes Casanella and her husband Richard Cushworth had never even heard of anyone who’s child had been switched at birth, so weren’t concerned when Mercedes gave birth in her home country of El Salvador.

The couple then returned to their home in Texas, but as their infant grew, they started to get suspicious of the baby they thought was their own. When the baby was four months old, they finally brought him in to get a DNA test, which revealed their fears were true.

Photo by WFAA
Photo by WFAA

The couple managed to track down the baby’s mother, who had been caring for their son Moses as her own, and finally got their son back. As happy as they were to have their son back, Mercedes admits it was heartbreaking to give away the boy she had believed was her own son for months.

“The baby I had been nursing, taken care of, loving him, bathing,” Mercedes explained. “We were rushed in and we had to go really quickly and we barely had time to say goodbye. … That was the most difficult part of all the situation. … I think we were in love with the baby.”

Since switching the boy back, it’s taken 9 long months to get Moses back home in the United States, but now he is finally home where he belongs.”It’s been a long and painful process, and I can’t believe we have this beautiful miracle boy here in Dallas,” Richard said.

Photo by WFAA
Photo by WFAA

“It was beautiful, it was a blessing of God. I got to nurse him, too, without any problems,” Mercedes said. “He adjusted, he never cried.”

Watch the entire video below to see this emotional and long-awaited homecoming.

What would you have done if you found out your child had been switched at birth? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this incredible story on Facebook.

[Featured image: WFAA]

Parents Take Their Baby Home One Year After Being Switched At Birth is an article from: LifeDaily

Little Boy Freaks Out When He Sees Dad Without A Beard For The First Time


Photo by Youtube/Greg Hogan

If you’ve ever seen a kid get a haircut for the first time, you’ll know that they don’t always understand that anything you do to your hair is only permanent since it will eventually grow back.

Irish dad Greg Hogan had been growing his beard for years, and had never shaved it off once during his adorable son’s life, so when he finally did decide to shave it all off for the first time, he decided to film his son’s reaction to his new look.

At first, the confused little boy doesn’t know what to make of the man who looks just like his dad minus the beard, and asks ‘What happened to your beard?’

Photo by Youtube/Greg Hogan
Photo by Youtube/Greg Hogan

Once the boy realizes his dad shaved off his beard, he bursts into tears, and doesn’t realize how easy it is for his dad to grow his beard back and how quickly it could be back.

Dad tries hopelessly to comfort his crushed little boy, but is finally forced to concede to growing his beard back so his son would stop crying. “He is not happy that I shaved it off. I am growing it back immediately,” dad wrote in a caption along with the video.

Photo by Youtube/Greg Hogan
Photo by Youtube/Greg Hogan

Watch the entire video below to see the hysterical way this little boy reacts to seeing dad without a beard for the first time.

Can you believe this little boy’s reaction? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.

[Featured image: Youtube/Greg Hogan]

Little Boy Freaks Out When He Sees Dad Without A Beard For The First Time is an article from: LifeDaily

Daughter Of Fallen Cop Gets A Police Escort To Prom


Photo by FOX 13

While no dad wants to see his little girl grow up and stop needing him, there are certain moments every dad dreams of witnessing like prom night, college graduation, and eventually the wedding day.

Those were the moments Officer Charlie Kondek always dreamed of seeing as his daughter Aleena grew up, but he would never get to see those precious milestones as he was shot and killed in 2014 while responding to a routine noise complaint call.

Aleena was devastated by her dad’s passing, and was especially sad two years later when her prom night approached because she knew her dad wasn’t going to get to see her all dressed up in her gown.

Photo by FOX 13
Photo by FOX 13

Aleena’s mom, Teresa Kondek, knew what was bothering her daughter, so she secretly planned for her husband’s fellow officers and police family to surprise Aleena when she got dropped off at prom.

“It’s our responsibility and our honor to stand in for Charlie. Charlie would be here and he’s not able to be here. So we want to be here for Charlie and for Aleena,” Maj. Jeff Young said.

Photo by FOX 13
Photo by FOX 13

The minute Aleena stepped off the bus at prom, she saw her police family, and knew her dad was watching down on them all at that moment. “They always say, ‘never forgotten,’ and I totally believe that. They’re always texting me, ‘how are you doing?’ and they step in with things that my dad did, and they’re amazing. I love each and every one of them,” she said.

Watch the entire video below to see the incredible moment these officers surprised a fallen officer’s daughter at prom.

Can you believe what these police officers are doing for a fallen colleague? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.

[Featured image credit: FOX 13]

Daughter Of Fallen Cop Gets A Police Escort To Prom is an article from: LifeDaily

Dad ‘Breastfeeds’ Daughter After Mom Goes Back To Work


Any parent who has ever breastfed their baby will know how hard it can be to get their baby to switch to a bottle after months of breastfeeding, which is why one dad had to get creative when he was left with feeding duty.

After Florida mom Jennifer Capo was forced to go back to work after giving birth to baby Destiny, dad Chris Allen was left to take care of their baby. However, Destiny had only been breastfed since she was born and refused to eat when Allen tried to bottle feed her.

Allen was desperate to get his infant daughter to feed while his fianceé was away at work, and finally came up with a genius plan to trick his daughter into thinking she was being breastfed.

Photo by Facebook/Chris Allen
Photo by Facebook/Chris Allen

Allen cut a small hole in his shirt in the chest area, pushed Destiny’s bottle through the hole, and held her in the same position Capo always held her while breastfeeding, and his fussy baby started eating instantly.

Photo by Facebook/Chris Allen
Photo by Facebook/Chris Allen

Watch the entire video below to see the clever way this dad got his baby to eat after mom went back to work.

Can you believe this dad was able to trick his baby daughter into thinking she was being breastfed? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.

[Featured image credit: Facebook/Chris Allen]

Dad ‘Breastfeeds’ Daughter After Mom Goes Back To Work is an article from: LifeDaily

Injured Elephant Waits Outside For The Vet After Being Shot By Poachers


Photo by Bumi Hills Foundation

Wild animals are usually very timid around people, especially ones who have been injured at the hands of humans, which is why the staff at one safari lodge knew there must be something seriously wrong when a huge elephant showed up at their front door.

When a 30-year-old male bull elephant named Ben showed up at the Bumi Hills Safari Lodge in Kariba, Zimbabwe, the staff was startled at first at how close the massive animal was to the lodge, but then realized something was wrong with him.

Ben appeared to be in a lot of pain, was struggling to walk, and had bullet holes in his ear, however, the staff had no way of helping him since their vet was away for the weekend.

Photo by Bumi Hills Foundation
Photo by Bumi Hills Foundation

Staff members started spreading the word about Ben, and incredibly, a vet almost 200 miles away agreed to fly to the lodge to treat the animal, who patiently waited for six hours until help arrived.

“Logic would suggest that if an animal has an injury that considerably hampers its mobility, it would not attempt the climb and would rather stay on the level ground near water,” manager Nick Milne said of the desperate elephant who made a steep and dangerous trek to the lodge while injured to ask for help.

Photo by Bumi Hills Foundation
Photo by Bumi Hills Foundation

While Ben is still healing from his injuries, the vet managed to clean and disinfect the injuries he received from poachers who were trying to cut off his tusks for ivory, and put a tracking collar on him to track his recovery.

Watch the entire video below to see Ben’s progress.

Can you believe this elephant knew which humans to go to for help? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.

[Featured image credit: Bumi Hills Foundation]

Injured Elephant Waits Outside For The Vet After Being Shot By Poachers is an article from: LifeDaily

Mother-Of-Three Takes In Six Kids After Best Friend Loses Cancer Battle


Photo by ABC7

A cancer diagnosis is devastating for anyone young or old, but the stakes can be even higher for a parent who has children who depend on them.

Two years ago, Virginia mom Beth was diagnosed with breast cancer while she was pregnant with his sixth child, and on top of fearing for her own life, she was afraid of what might happen to her children if she died. To give her best friend some relief, Stephanie Culley offered to take in her children if it ever came to that.

After a long fight with the disease, there was nothing more doctors could do after the cancer spread to her brain. “About a week after she was admitted into the hospital, and the doctor called me, I was at work, and he told me that, that it had spread to her brain, and there was nothing they could do,” Culley said tearfully.

Photo by ABC7
Photo by ABC7

“I had complete peace that I was going to be the mother of 9 kids,” Culley said when Beth finally died and she made good on her promise and welcomed Beth’s six kids into her home.

Photo by ABC7
Photo by ABC7

Watch the entire video below to see how Beth’s six kids are doing in their new home.

Would you ever consider taking in six children for a friend? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.

[Featured image: ABC7]

Mother-Of-Three Takes In Six Kids After Best Friend Loses Cancer Battle is an article from: LifeDaily

Doctors Find 4-Year-Old Has Cancer After Air Pressure On Plane Causes Severe Pain


Children often have trouble with changing air pressure during take-off and landing on airplanes, which is what one Maryland mom figured was causing her daughter pain on a flight to Washington.

However, 32-year-old Michelle Russell knew something else was wrong when her then four-year-old daughter Claire started complaining of back pain mid-flight that turned into a throbbing, intense pain in her ribs. The pain only got worse and worse as the flight continued, and Michelle rushed her little girl to the hospital the minute they landed.

“Claire was learning to do handstands and backflips when she first told us about a pain in her back, but we thought it was just her overdoing it. We were flying for a wedding when we knew something wasn’t right. Claire was in absolute agony,” Michelle said.

“Doctors thought she had a kidney infection and three days after being on antibiotics I found her crying in her sleep, it was then that I knew in my gut something really was wrong,” Michelle said of the moment which prompted her to push doctors for an X-ray.

Photo by Caters News Agency
Photo by Caters News Agency

“I remember seeing the technician suddenly look really frightened during her scans and knew it couldn’t be a good sign, it was horrible,” Michelle said about the X-ray, which revealed a large box-shaped tumor between two of her ribs and across to her spine.

After 17 rounds of chemotherapy, which lasted about a year and caused Clair to lose a quarter of her body weight, Doctors managed to shrink the Ewing Sarcoma mass before finally surgically removing it and shaving down some of her spinal cord in order to ensure it wouldn’t grow back.

Photo by Caters News Agency
Photo by Caters News Agency

It’s now been a year since the now six-year-old has been in remission, and Michelle knows that that flight to Washington is the reason her daughter is still here today. “Going on that plane could have saved our daughter’s life, without it we wouldn’t have thought the pain in her back was anything more than muscle or growing pains.”

Would you have rushed your child to the hospital if they were in a lot of pain on a flight? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.

[Featured image: Caters News Agency]

Doctors Find 4-Year-Old Has Cancer After Air Pressure On Plane Causes Severe Pain is an article from: LifeDaily

Mom Catches Her Little Boy Using Her Workout Gear


Photo by Rumble/AFV

If you’re a parent, you’ll know that little kids mimic everything their parents do and say, but one mom never realized her son was watching when she squeezed in at-home workouts in between her busy schedule.

However, one afternoon while mom was busy straightening up the house, she heard a strange noise coming from the living room where she had assumed her son was playing with the toys from his toy box. Instead of playing with his own toys, she caught him hilariously copying her workout routine.

In the video, the little boy struggles to lift the 2 lb weights over his shoulders, but refuses to let it stop him from being mom’s best workout partner.

Photo by Rumble/AFV
Photo by Rumble/AFV

While his dedication and energy make for a perfect workout partner, his counting skills still need a little bit of work, as he jumps from 10 to 24 while counting his reps.

Photo by Rumble/AFV
Photo by Rumble/AFV

Watch the entire video below to see the hilarious way this little boy proves to mom that he’d be a perfect workout partner.

How would you react if you saw your little boy doing this? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.

[Featured image: Rumble/AFV]

Mom Catches Her Little Boy Using Her Workout Gear is an article from: LifeDaily

After Two Failed Pregnancies, Mom Welcomes Baby Born Via Surrogate


Photo by Ashley Marston Photography

For some couples, becoming ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ is a pretty straight forward and a relatively quick 9-month process. Yet for other couples, the road to becoming parents can be long and full of tragedy.

Vancouver-based Kate Austin-Rivas and her husband Didier struggled to conceive, but eventually became pregnant with baby Elle and gave birth to her healthy daughter in 2009. “It wasn’t easy to conceive our first daughter,” Austin-Rivas said. “After her, I became pregnant easily with our Katelyn who was a stillborn. We took a little time to heal and process it, and again, we became easily pregnant with Ireland who I carried to term.”

Ireland was born with severe oxygen deprivation and cerebral palsy, but didn’t survive long after birth.  “It was a catastrophic delivery with her and my life on brink,” Austin-Rivas said. “I ended up surviving and she passed away at a hospice at one month of age.”

The couple was devastated by the loss of not one but two daughters, and knew that they still wanted to be parents but couldn’t go through that pain and loss again. The two decided something had to change, and turned to surrogacy.

Photo by Ashley Marston Photography
Photo by Ashley Marston Photography

Austin-Rivas posted her story on social media in hopes that a willing surrogate would come forward, and after a few offers, the couple decided to accept Christine Hale’s offer. “Because of everything I’ve gone through, I realized how valuable it is to listen to your gut,” Austin-Rivas said. “She’s very responsible. She’s a single mom of three kids. Our values are very similar. She’s a very giving person, besides the connection we have.”

Christine became pregnant through IVF, and when it came time for the delivery, Austin-Rivas hired a photographer to capture the special moment.

“Because we have so many traumatic memories from Ireland’s birth, I wanted to make sure that we had some positive memories that would be stuck in our minds,” Austin-Rivas said. “That was my reasoning for doing it because sometimes you forget.”

Photo by Ashley Marston Photography
Photo by Ashley Marston Photography

“I was anxious, I was excited, I was terrified and then I was a complete puddle of tears when I saw her come out,” Kate Austin-Rivas said about the moment Christine gave birth to a healthy baby girl they named Scarlett. “She was crying and seemed strong and it’s one of those moments that I needed and I will never forget.”

Watch the entire video below to see Baby Scarlett’s birth story.

Would you ever consider surrogacy if you struggled to become a parent? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.

[Featured image: Ashley Marston Photography]

After Two Failed Pregnancies, Mom Welcomes Baby Born Via Surrogate is an article from: LifeDaily

Mom Uses iPhone To Save Her Daughter After She Stopped Breathing


Photo by 7 News

Kids might appear to be happy and healthy one minute, but seconds later, it can be a drastically different scene, which is why babies and little kids need constant supervision.

When one Australian mother put her baby girl to sleep for the night, her daughter was, as usual, perfectly healthy. There had been absolutely no sign of trouble, yet when mom Stacey Gleeson looked down at the baby monitor as she normally did to check in on  her daughter, she was stunned to see her daughter was turning blue.

Gleeson rushed into her daughter’s room, and discovered that one-year-old Giana wasn’t breathing. “I picked her up and sat down with her on the floor and as I checked her airways .. I looked over and remembered my phone,” Gleeson said.

Photo by 7 News
Photo by 7 News

Gleeson had dropped her phone on the floor, and was too far away to reach it to call for help, but then remembered that she could ask Siri for help.

“Hey Siri, call the ambulance,” Gleeson yelled to the phone, which caused the iPhone to dial and call for an ambulance. “And then before I knew it the ambulance was on its way and Giana was breathing again.”

Photo by 7 News
Photo by 7 News

“Kids .. everybody, everybody should be aware of the abilities of their phone,” Gleeson’s husband said. “It’s helped save our daughter’s life and I never thought I’d have to go through something like that,” Gleeson explained as she urged other parents to learn about how iPhone functions could help in emergency situations like this.

Watch the entire video below to see the incredible way this mom saved her baby’s life after she stopped breathing.

Did you know you could use your iPhone like this? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.

[Featured image: 7 News]

Mom Uses iPhone To Save Her Daughter After She Stopped Breathing is an article from: LifeDaily

Mom Is Speechless When Waiter Offers To Help Feed Son With Cerebral Palsy


Photo by Facebook/Lee Bondurant

While a person with a disability can do everything a ‘normal’ person can, doing ‘normal’ activities like going out to eat at a restaurant usually takes much more planning, patience, and effort.

51-year-old Lee Bondurant has cerebral palsy, which makes it incredibly difficult for him to eat on his own. Despite the challenge, he usually tries his best to feed himself or has a trusted friend or family member feed him, but when he and his mom Linda went out one evening at an oyster bar in Raleigh, North Carolina, his mom was struggling to feed him and herself at the same time.

When their server, a college student who goes by the name ‘Five’, noticed the two struggling to enjoy their food, he walked over to their table and insisted on helping.

Photo by ABC 7
Photo by ABC 7

“For a total stranger to come up really touches a mother’s heart, especially when your child is special needs,” Linda Bondurant said.

“That was the ultimate kindness he showed me,” Bondurant said. “I really appreciate what he did, an act of kindness.”

Photo by Facebook/Lee Bondurant
Photo by Facebook/Lee Bondurant

“To find someone that kind in a world like today, that is a hard thing to find. You don’t find it every day,” Bondurant said of the server who he plans to see again when he visits the restaurant for his upcoming birthday.

Watch the entire video below to see how much one man’s act of kindness impacted this disabled man.

Would you offer to do something like this for a total stranger? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and please SHARE this with friends on Facebook.

[Featured image: Facebook/Lee Bondurant]

Mom Is Speechless When Waiter Offers To Help Feed Son With Cerebral Palsy is an article from: LifeDaily

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