Cops are often portrayed as unkind, and mean-spirited in the news, and it’s refreshing to see their softer, more generous side.
On a cold night in Times Square, Officer Lawrence Deprimo was working when he noticed a homeless man with bare feet sitting on the sidewalk. He asked the man what his shoes size was, and then disappeared. When he returned, he had a new pair of boots for the homeless.
A tourist named Jennifer was so touched by the officer’s kindness that she snapped a photo of the interaction, and posted it to the NYPD’s Facebook.
After asking the homeless man what his shoe size was, Officer DePrimo ran into a store and bought him a new pair of boots.
Officer DePrimo says he keeps the receipt with him “to remind me that sometimes people have it worse.”
Watch the entire video below to hear why this NYPD officer bought a homeless man a new pair of shoes.
Can you believe how kind this officer was for helping out a homeless man? Share with us in the comments below.
Getting quality sleep is essential for your mental and physical wellbeing, but there’s more to getting a quality night of sleep than getting the recommended eight hours of shut-eye. While the amount of sleep you get is important, there are many other aspects that are to blame for constantly waking up exhausted.
If you’re having trouble falling asleep at night, or are constantly waking up groggy, take a look at these 7 sleep hacks that will have you sleeping like a baby.
7. Change your sheets at least once a week.
Your sheets might still look clean after a week, but they’re full of your sweat, drool, dead skin, oil from your body, and dust mites. While those things alone should convince you to change your sheets once a week, the build up of dust mites can disrupt your sleep, which may be why you wake up feeling groggy, and tired.
6. Drink your last cup of coffee no later than 2 p.m.
The caffeine in your coffee is sticking around in your body way longer than you thought. It takes the body about five to seven hours to get rid of half of the caffeine you consumed, and eight to ten hours to process 75 percent of it. Assuming you’re going to bed between 10-12 p.m., your last coffee of the day should be at 2 p.m.
Any later, and that caffeine will still be sticking around and interfering with your sleep.
5. Warm up your feet.
The body’s temperature needs to lower in order to fall asleep, which is why the optimal sleeping temperature is between 65 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit, but the hands and feet need to stay warm. If the feet and hands get too cold, the blood vessels constrict to retain heat, and makes it harder to fall asleep.
Try slipping on a pair of socks when you go to bed, so that the feet stay warm enough while the rest of the body cools down.
4. Control the noise.
If you live in an urban area, it might be difficult to control all the noise that’s disrupting your sleep, so invest in ear plugs to block out the noise. If ear plugs are too uncomfortable, another great way to help control the noise that’s keeping you up is to buy a fan or an air purifier that will create consistent white noise.
3. Lose the electronics – even alarm clocks.
Electronics like TVs, phones, and tablets emit blue light that makes falling asleep and staying asleep difficult. The blue light disrupts the body’s natural melatonin production, which may be to blame for your poor sleep. You may even consider getting rid of your alarm clock, or at least putting it across the room, as the light from the alarm has been proven to disrupt sleep if it’s within eyesight.
2. Make your bed every morning.
It turns out your mother was right, making your bed is actually pretty important. Not only does making your bed in the morning make your bedroom a more relaxing space, but a made bed will keep the dust off of your bed and sheets, which can cause irritation.
1. Pick calming colors and peaceful patterns for your bedding and décor.
If you want to make your bedroom as conducive to sleep as possible, you might want to rethink your décor. For your bedding, avoid chaotic or busy patterns and make sure your sheets and blankets are soft, muted tones. The same goes for the rest of the bedroom. When in doubt, remember sages, blues, whites, and grays are all great colors for creating a calming environment.
Did these tips help you fall asleep? Share with us in the comments below.
When you’re constantly over-stressed and over-exerted, you begin to lose sight of how unbalanced, and un-sustainable your lifestyle really is. Unfortunately, we are taught to ignore the warning signs until a major health crisis arises. However, by that point, the damage has already been done.
Don’t wait until you get some scary, life-altering diagnosis to realize that you need to slow down. Instead, start looking out for these five small signs, which will tell you if you need to reevaluate your fast-paced lifestyle.
5. You’re always sick.
When you’re overextending yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally, things start falling through the cracks. Your body’s ability to fight off infections plummets, and you’ll find yourself with a constant cough and cold. If you find you’re always feeling under the weather, it might be time to start listening to your body, and figuring out how you’re overexerting yourself.
4. You’re constantly on the phone.
If you’re compulsively checking your phone and scrolling through newsfeeds any chance you get, you’re creating a bad habit where you focus your attention and energy outwards, instead of using that time to process and deal with your emotions and the stress in your life. Despite the relief of an instant distraction, you’re problems and stress levels will only sore as you neglect to properly deal with unpleasantries.
3. You can’t sleep.
When you’re over-stressed for a prolonged period of time, the body’s nervous system is so overwhelmed that even falling asleep is a struggle. Instead of taking a sleep-aid, which will only mask the real issue, try paying more attention to what’s triggering your stress and remove them as best as possible.
2. You’ve developed a beer belly- even though you don’t drink that much.
If you feel like you’re eating all the right things, but can’t get rid of the gut that you’ve developed, chances are your body is trying to tell you to slow down and de-stress. Studies have found a link between an excess of the stress hormone, cortisol, and excess belly fat. Cortisol has been shown to stimulate the production of fat cells around the belly, which also increases your risk of stroke, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
1. You can barely find the time to eat, never-mind care about what you’re eating.
If you’re so busy that you can barely set aside enough time to pull through a drive-through, let alone make a home-cooked meal, you definitely need to slow down. However, when you don’t provide your body with all the nutrients it needs to function properly, you’ll be less able to cope with challenges, which will only increase stress.
Do any of these signs match your life? Share with us in the comments below.
This motorcyclist named Laney was out for a typical ride in her hometown in Oklahoma when she noticed something unusual in the middle of traffic.
Thanks to the GoPro attached to her helmet, we can watch the amazing moment Laney stops traffic in a busy intersection to save a terrified kitten. Luckily, the cat, which she later named Skidmark, was unharmed in the whole incident.
At first Laney thought she say a leaf on the ground, but soon realized it was a kitten in shock.
She hopped off her bike and ran into the intersection to catch the small kitten, and bring him to safety.
Watch the incredible footage below to see the moment Laney runs into a busy intersection to save Skidmark.
Would you be brave enough to run into traffic to save a baby animal? Share with us in the comments below.
We’ve all been warned about the dangers of smoking cigarettes, but even if you don’t smoke, you might be putting your health at risk every single day. Turns out, all of those late nights, sides of bacon, and pairs of uncomfortable shoes are more harmful to your health than you think. In fact- they’re as dangerous as smoking.
Take a look at the five seemingly harmless things that are just as bad for your health as cigarettes.
5. Not Getting Enough Sleep
According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults should be getting between seven to nine hours of sleep each night, however most people fail to reach that recommendation. Going to sleep an hour past bedtime might seem harmless, but over time, sleep deprivation can cause high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, and obesity.
One study found that people who get less than six or seven hours of sleep had a similar mortality rate compared to cigarette smokers.
4. Texting
Many people spend just as much time sleeping as they do hunched over on their phones, computers, or tablets, so it’s no surprise that ‘text neck’ is becoming a huge problem for people of every age. The bad posture is caused by leaning the head over towards the phone or screen, and that strain on the neck creates muscle tension which will injure the spine, and cause herniated discs and pinched nerves.
3. Wearing Uncomfortable Shoes
We’ve all told ourselves ‘pain is beauty’ at one time or another in an attempt to justify a painful fashion or beauty trend, but it turns out you shouldn’t take that pain in stride.
In particular, wearing uncomfortable shoes, like high heels, put the wearer at a greater risk of falls, and has also been shown to have a huge effect on posture, and even cause spine and feet degeneration.
2. Sitting for Too Long
For many people, sitting at a desk all day is part of the job description, but sitting at a desk for prolonged periods of time has been shown to have an array of negative health effects, even for people who exercise regularly. Sitting for long periods of time increases your risk of heart disease, depression, diabetes, and types of cancer.
According to a study conducted at the Pennington Biomedical Research Centers, people who spend more time sitting have a shorter lifespan regardless of age, wights, or level of exercise.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), processed meats like bacon, hot dogs, and ham have been shown to cause cancer, and have likened the food to other known carcinogens like alcohol, cigarettes, asbestos, and arsenic.
The report said that eating just 50g of processed meat, which is less than two slices of meat, everyday increased the chance of developing colorectal cancer by 18 percent. The WHO also went on to link all red meat to cancer, although there was less definitive proof.
Are you shocked that these seemingly harmless everyday activities are as bad for your health as smoking cigarettes? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
Coloring is a hobby we normally associate with children, but why should kids get all the fun? Aside from just being a fun activity, coloring has been proven to improve creativity, improve the way we deal with emotions, and improves focus.
While most of us haven’t picked up a colored pencil or crayon since they disappeared from school supply lists, publishers all over the world have been producing adult coloring books as people started to recognize their ability to relieve stress.
Take a look at the top 3 reasons you should pick up an adult coloring book, and revisit your old childhood pastime.
3. Coloring is therapeutic.
Coloring won’t cure a disease, but the activity has long been used to help people cope with conditions like PTSD, Cancer, and depression. One study found that art therapy significantly reduced symptoms of emotional and physical distress of cancer patients while in treatment.
Using art as therapy is so effective because it provides a way for people to express themselves when it’s difficult to put emotions into words. And you don’t have to be sick to reap the rewards, anyone can use coloring as an outlet to express emotions that they normally aren’t able to.
2. Coloring relieves stress and anxiety.
By allowing yourself to focus on colors and design, instead of your constant worries, you’re giving your brain a chance to unwind and organize itself. Coloring gives the fear center of your brain a chance to take a rest, which reduces your overall stress levels overtime. Like meditation, coloring trains the brain to respond less dramatically to stress.
1. Coloring trains your brain to focus.
Coloring requires concentration and focus to stay inside the lines, and to pick colors according to how they interact in the picture, which forces you to stay in the moment instead of letting your mind wander off. One clinical counselor, Leslie Marshall, explains that coloring “opens up the frontal lobe of the brain — the home of organizing and problem solving — and focuses the mind.”
Simply put, coloring allows you to forget about your worries and to-do lists, and focus on what’s right in front of you. Over time, this carries over into other areas of your life, and allows you to focus on one issue at a time.
Turns out Samantha had it right all along.
Would you buy an adult coloring book? Share your thoughts with us in the comments feed below.
Andy’s room in Toy Story was the room we all grew up dreaming to play in, and thanks to a group of die-hard fans, the legendary room has been brought to life.
Disney Pixar enthusiasts, Mason McGrew, Morgan McGrew, and friends, spent two years making a full scale version of Andy’s room. The two have recreated many scenes from the Toy Story 3, but knew that their work wouldn’t be complete until they finished Andy’s room.
“It’s the room that most of us grew up wishing we had. From the hardwood floor to the bright white woodwork, it’s all there.”
“A lot of time was spent on Andy’s desk. Before we renovated it, it was an old, broken brown desk. It was really awesome fixing it up for our remake though because it used to belong to my grandmother.”
“His posters were almost perfectly recreated for our room as well. I’ve got to thank my brother for those. The amount of detail he put into those things amazes me.”
“It may sound a bit obsessive, but we tried incredibly hard to make sure that every little detail was captured. For example, there is a white board next to Andy’s desk that we, for the most part, replicated perfectly.”
“One of my favorite aspects of Andy’s room in Toy Story 3 is his door. I just love the dart board, scattered stickers and posters on it. It really gives off the teenager-vibe.”
“With that said, I absolutely loved recreating it for our room. I still can’t believe we managed to find that dart board…and for only $5 at a thrift shop. Score!”
In the two years it took to complete the room, Mason and Morgan made sure to include every little detail.
Including the crescent moon on the headboard, the wagon toy box, and red electric guitar.
Can you believe how exactly they were able to recreate Andy’s room? Share with us in the comments below.
Take a scroll through Instagram, and I guarantee your feed will be flooded with açaí bowls, complex yoga poses, and sweaty post-workout selfies.
28-year-old comedian Bella Younger was tired of seeing those kinds of posts, and feeling bad about her health. “I used to spend four hours a day looking through Instagram and feeling bad about myself,” Younger said.
To poke fun at the health freak trend, Younger decided to make an account called Deliciously Stellawhere she gives new meaning to tags like #EatClean, #StrongNotSkinny, and #EatCleanTrainDirty.
Take a look at some of her funniest posts if you’re getting a little tired of all the #EatClean posts, and are in the mood for a laugh.
If you’re trying to decide where to travel as the new year approaches, look no further. Lonely Planet’s travel experts have traveled around the globe to decide which countries would make it onto their 2016 top 10 list.
Take a look at the top 10 countries to visit in 2016, and start planning your next trip.
10. Fiji
While a trip to paradise is always welcome, Lonely Planet gave the number ten spot to Fiji as the country has recently returned to its peaceful, fun-loving self. In recent years the country has seen a coup and a constitution crisis, but the current prime minister has restored normalcy.
Whether you’re in the mood for relaxation or extreme sports, this tropical paradise has it all.
9. Greenland
Greenland may not be a tropical island, but where the country falls short with the temperature, it makes up for it in all its unique activities. Visitors can sail among breaching whales, dogsled, see the midnight sun on icy glaciers, and watch the Northern Lights.
Greenland is also set to host the 2016 Arctic Winter games in March, which makes it a great time to visit this exciting country.
8. Uruguay
Uruguay is described as the ‘Switzerland of America,’ and its capital, Montevideo, is one of the safest capital cities in South America. The country is situated between Brazil and Argentina, and has the best quality of life on the continent.
The country is known for its architecture, culinary delicacies like the asado barbecue, and beach-front nightlife.
7. Poland
Poland is often overlooked as a top European travel destination, but in recent years, visitor numbers have climbed as the country resisted the recession that has effected much of Europe. The country is home to incredible bell towers, beer gardens, and underground adventures in one of the largest salt mines.
New air routes to Kraków, Szczecin, Katowice, and Gdańsk make it easier than ever before to explore this incredible country.
6. Australia
With a growing number of threats to some of the country’s top environmental attractions like the Great Barrier Reef, you might want to plan a trip to see them now before it’s too late.
And if you’re worried about a budget, there’s never been a better time to visit the country. The strength of the currency has declined recently, as well as petrol prices, which will make the trip easier on your wallet.
5. Latvia
It’s been 25 years since Latvia was emancipated from soviet rule, and the country is better than ever. Traditional ancient traditions and crumbling castles have been restored to their former glory. For years, Latvia has been known for less-than appetizing dishes, but the food has come a log way since New Nordic chefs has transformed the cuisine.
4. Palau
Palau is a dream destination for divers and snorkelers. The Pacific archipelago, made of more than 200 limestone and volcanic islands, has made all of its marine territory into a sanctuary to protect the water and wildlife.
While the country experiences constant temperatures throughout the year, its’ best to visit in the first half of the calendar year as the second half is prone to typhoons.
3. USA
The United States is home to a variety of landscapes and climates, which make it a perfect place for one epic road-trip. 2016 also marks 100 years of the National Park Service, which supervises the country’s 59 national parks like Yosemite, Yellowstone, and Zion.
As you travel from the farmland, to the desert, and finally the ocean on your way to the national parks, be sure to check out all the goofy roadside attractions, and local cuisine.
2. Japan
Japan is known for its interesting mix of modern and ancient culture, which earned the country the number two spot in this year’s Best in Travel awards. Tokyo is set to host the 2020 Olympics, which has caused a flurry of new development.
Forget everything you think you know about Botswana, as it’s Africa’s most stable and thriving country. The progressive country celebrates 50 years of independence in 2016. Botswana has dedicated 17 percent of the country to national parks in an effort to protect the environment and wildlife. With all of its natural riches, this country will give you an up close look at untouched wildlife, which will leave you in awe.
What country are you dying to visit? Share with us in the comments below.
Over the years, Donald Trump’s infamous comb over has taken on a life of itself. The real-estate developer and controversial presidential candidate may think he’s one of a kind, but the internet seems to disagree…
Take a look at the 11 funniest things that look like Donald Trump’s hair. The similarity is uncanny.
Can you think of anything else that looks like Donald Trump’s hair? Share with us in the comments below.
[Featured image credit: Paras Pumpkins]
Each year, the IKEA Foundation donates €1 for every toy they sell in November and December during their Soft Toys for Education campaign. Since the campaign’s start in 2003, $90 million has been donated to help over 11 million children receive an education.
This year, IKEA got some help from some creative kids around the world to design the 2015 collection. Out of all the entries, the team picked out their favorite 10 drawings, and sent them off to be produced by IKEA’s toy designers.
Take a look at this year’s 10 winning submissions:
Watch the video below to see when these incredible toys came to life:
Which stuffed creature is your favorite? Share with us in the comments below.
Any dog owner has wondered how much their beloved four-legged friend can comprehend, and this dog proves that not only can they understand what’s going on, but they even have favorites.
According to his owner, the year and a half Belgain Malinois named Stryker goes nuts every time he plays his favorite movie Bolt. In the video, Stryker has his face glued to the screen, and as soon as his favorite character Bolt comes on screen, he jumps up and down wildly.
Stryker jumps up and down in excitement the minute his hero, Bolt, appears on screen.
When the excitement is too much for Stryker to handle, he shakes around the giant stuffed animal on the ground.
Watch the entire video here, and see Stryker lose it when his favorite animated canine appears on screen.
Can you believe how excited this dog gets while watching Bolt? Share with us in the comments below.
When Halloween rolls around, we all have the best of intentions to pick out an amazing costume in advance, and have everything ready to go. However, if you’re anything like me, you end up waiting until the night of to pick everything out as you curse yourself for not getting it all done earlier.
These are the 11 thoughts going through your head while getting ready for Halloween:
11. ‘I can’t wait for Halloween, just have to think of an amazing costume.’
10. ‘This year’s going to be different. I’m going to be prepared this time.’
9. ‘But I shouldn’t stress myself out. I’ve got enough on my plate, and Halloween is ages away.’
8. ‘What?! How is Halloween only a week away?”
7. ‘Ok, let me see what my friends are doing. Maybe we can do a group costume.’
6. ‘How is everyone else so prepared??’
5. ‘There’s got to be something at the store. Never-mind, I can’t afford anything.’
4. ‘Don’t panic, I’ll just look through Pinterest to get some ideas.’
3. ‘That’s it. I’ll be a comic book girl. I don’t even have to buy a costume, and I already have tons of makeup.’
2. ‘So this isn’t quite how it looked in the picture… I look like I have some weird disease.’
1. ‘Looks like I’m going as a black cat again.’
What is your Haloween prep process like? Share with us in the comments below.
With over seven billion people around the globe, there’s bound to be someone who looks just like you. Lucky for these people, their doppelgängers just so happen to be some of the most gorgeous people in the world.
Whether it’s a regular person, or another celebrity, their famous look-alikes are proof that they hit the genetic lotto.
Take a look at these 10 mind-blowing celebrity look-alikes:
Squirrels are incredibly intelligent and inventive animals, but what this man caught a squirrel doing will is truly unbelievable.
In the video, a squirrel jumps up onto the table with a brand new pumpkin. He starts chewing away at the pumpkin, and slowly but surely, you start to realize that the holes he’s chewing aren’t random.
At first, this squirrel looks like he’s about to start munching into the pumpkin for a feast. As he works, however, you can start to see the beginnings of a face.
This squirrel may not have been the tidiest worker, but he managed to make an impressive jack-o-lantern.
Watch the entire video below to see this squirrel’s pumpkin carving talents.
Were you amazed by by this talented squirrel? Share with us in the comments below.
For kids, time-out is innately a bad thing because it means you’re in trouble. However, this toddler is having some trouble deciding if it’s really all that bad.
In the video, this cranky little boy wants to be in time-out until the minute his dad tells him he’s in time-out. These parents are definitely going to have to think of some creative punishments for their 2-year-old since it seems he may actually want to be left alone to think about things.
This 2-year-old’s dad noticed his son was upset, and innocently asked him what was wrong.
The toddler responded that he wanted to be in time-out, however, the minute dad agreed and said he was in time-out, the little boy started screaming.
After trying to pacify his son, this weary dad sarcastically declared that “two-year-olds are awesome!”
Watch the entire hilarious video below to see this 2-year-old struggle to decide if he wants to be in time-out or not.
Have you ever been as indecisive as this toddler? Share with us in the comments below.
With the help of a special teddy bear, Kelly-Anne Kelleher, a zookeeper at the ZSL London Zoo, has become this 7-week-old sloth’s surrogate mom. When the baby’s mom stopped producing milk, she was unable to care for the baby, which still had a long way to go before being able to look after himself.
The zoo decided to use a teddy bear from the gift shop to help build up the muscles that the sloth would normally have developed from holding on to his mom.
Because of his impressive claws, the zoo’s keepers named the baby sloth Edward after Johnny Depp’s famous character, Edward Scissorhands.
The ZSL London Zoo is hand-rearing this adorable baby, and strictly monitor his feeding and sleeping schedule.
Watch the entire video below to see just how this teddy bear is helping to raise Edward.
Would you like to look after baby Edward all day? We know we would! Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
[Featured image credit: ZSL – Zoological Society of London]
Many high schoolers take their graduations for granted, and never realize how lucky they are for being allowed to receive an education.
For Margaret Bekema, graduating from Grand Rapids Catholic Central High was not possible since she was forced to leave so she could take care of her siblings, and her mother who was sick with cancer. 79 years later, however, she was finally presented with her honorary diploma. The 97-year-old burst into tears upon seeing her diploma, and thanked everyone from the bottom of her heart.
According to Greg Deja, Central Principal, “her life has been one of sacrifice and service. It has been so encouraging and inspiring for our community because her choices represent all the core values that we teach our students.”
When Margaret was 17, she was forced to leave school in order to take care of her siblings and sick mother.
“I had to quit school to take over the family. It was hard, you have no idea how hard that was. I loved high school and I had lots of friends”
Watch the video below to see this incredible moment Margaret is given her diploma.
Can you believe how long she waited to get this diploma? Share with us in the comments below.
Heidi Klum may have had the most shocking Halloween costume, but these babies definitely had the cutest.
Every year the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in the Loyola University Medical Hospital throws a Halloween costume contest for the hospital’s smallest patients. The dedicated nurses hand-make each of these incredible costumes special for their tiny patients.
The babies may not remember their first Halloween, but the nurses make sure to make best of the situation for these infants’ parents, and give them a memory that they’ll have forever.
Milk and a Chocolate Chip Cookie:
Michael Jordan:
Grape Jelly:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle:
NICU Fireman:
Can you believe how incredible this NICU staff is to organize a Halloween costume party? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
Basically, Marissa and the rest of the core four made all the mistakes so we don’t have to.
For almost any 20-something-year-old, The OC wasn’t just a wildly entertaining drama, it taught us everything we needed to know about love, family, and friendship. Take a look at the top 15 life lessons we all learned from watching The OC.
15. Talking to strangers isn’t always a bad thing.
14. Being able to come up with creative excuses is a useful skill.
13. NEVER, ever date someone you met in therapy.
12. Sometimes things don’t work out the way you’d hoped, but things usually happen for a reason.
11. Boys will break your heart.
10. And girls will make you crazy.
9. You can’t fix everything.
8. Accidents can- and will- happen.
7. Being popular is seriously overrated.
6. Sex can be awkward.
5. Friends will leave.
4. Cheaters aren’t worth your time.
3. Life will get complicated.
2. This is the original relationship goal.
1. Never get involved with psychopaths who will ram you off the road. And, of course, always wear a seatbelt!
What was the most important thing you learned from The OC? Share with us in the comments below.